Student Spotlight

Wonder Project
In Term 3, I was placed in the “Writer’s Workshop” Wonder class. At first, I was quite disappointed that I was placed in this class and I tried to look for a way out of it. But after talking to my teacher and realising that switching classes wouldn’t be possible, I decided to try my hardest to embrace this new experience.
It didn’t take too long for Thursdays to become the day that I most looked forward to out of my week. The Writer’s Workshop class allowed me to discover a passion for writing that I had never really been familiar with. I used every Thursday as an opportunity to harness my creativity, express myself, and learn more about who I am as a person through having time alone to think, reflect and write.
This Wonder class was an extremely positive experience for me. We worked in the aesthetically pleasing library and took frequent breaks to allow space for creativity to flow.
After a term of hard work, I was left with a twelve thousand word novelette that I had written. Along with teacher support and feedback from my peers, I was able to draft, write and edit something that I was extremely proud of. I was so proud of my work that I wanted other people to read it too.
The library staff helped me with finding publishers and finding a specific genre for my book. After a lot of research, I decided to self-publish my book by going through Amazon. Now, after only a term, my first-ever book, “Void”, is available to purchase on Amazon, or borrow from the Killester library.
“Madeline Miller finds herself trapped in the abyss-like state of reality between earth and the afterlife. As she looks through the memories of her past life, she must try to find her way out of the void that she is trapped in.”
Written by Beata. O
Year 9 Student