
Wellbeing for All at Chatham
This year at Chatham Primary School there has been a wonderful focus on community wellbeing. The Year 6 leaders, Tilly and Halle, have been keen role models for all the students and have dedicated their time and interest into speaking at assembly, sharing positive quotes and assisting in organising our Wellbeing Wednesday.
As a result, we can see a beautiful display in our School Hall where you will find the school gratitude tree alongside positive feedback and quotes from all levels at Chatham.
The focus on Kindness and Gratitude in our school plays an important daily role in all interactions. We help one another through our circle time reflection (giving everyone a voice) and support each other through difficult or upsetting times.
The Resilience Project plays a key role in stitching together the awareness and practise of empathy, gratitude, mindfulness and emotional literacy. The students are fortunate enough to be engaged in fun and easy activities under these headings each week.
The link to the TRP website has many resources for the whole community and all are welcome to access this and look through the ideas the TRP team have put together for families:
As we hold respect and always think of others, we can create unity within community.
Ms Lorraine McLean
Year 2 Teacher and Wellbeing Coordinator