Chatham Happenings

Year 2 Toy Science Incursion - STEAM
On Wednesday 25th of October, our Year 2 students enjoyed the Toy Science Incursion provided by Supreme Incursions. With a focus on STEAM concepts, students were taught about push and pull and the many forces that cause things to move. Through demonstration, the instructor explained all the moving components of a variety of toys. Students made discoveries about how a range of toys function and the many features of toys.
After an in-depth and engaging demonstration, the students had the opportunity to play with toys at four different stations, categorised based on their materials including technology, wooden, plastic and magnetic forces. The students had a wonderful time and learnt many new concepts, which they will now apply when making their own toy at school.
Chatham Grand Fair Performances
Dear Parents and Carers,
I am making available an expression of interest for performances on the Chatham Stage at the Chatham Grand Fair on Saturday 25th Novembere. Our Music and Japanese teacher Mr James Rampant will be advertising this to students during his lessons this week, so that students can get together and plan a performance. These could be in the vein of:
- Dance performance
- Vocal performance
- Band performance
- Instrumental solo/group (we can provide a keyboard and drums, however all other instruments needed must be provided by the performer.)
As we are expecting this to be a popular venue, we would ask that parents contact Mr Rampant on behalf of their children and their friends to book in a time for their performance between 1:00pm – 5:00pm. Whilst we are allocating 10 minutes for each performance, acts of a shorter nature, eg. a 2-minute dance, are also welcome.
Thank you,
James Rampant
Music & Japanese Teacher
Japanese Day
On Thursday 2nd November we celebrated Japanese Day at Chatham. It was great to see so many students and teachers dressed in red and white (the colours of Japan) for the day, as well as some students dressed up in Kimono and Yukata!
Since the beginning of this term, Year 6 students worked hard to research and prepare their activities, and after five weeks of gluing, cutting and taping cardboard to make the resources they needed they were ready for the big day! On the active side, there were Kendama (cup and ball), Dodgeball, Tug of War, Daruma (balance game) and Beanbag Throwing activities for students to try their hand at. For a more relaxed side to the festivities, students could partake in Fukuwarai (Face Game), Gomoku (Five in a row), Chopstick Challenge, Manga Drawing Relay, Paper Sumo, Animal Chess and Ping Pong Soccer. The groups rotated every 20 minutes and it was fantastic to see the Year 6 students explaining the activities to their group of students.
I want to take this opportunity to extend my thanks and admiration to all the Year 6 students who carefully planned and enacted each activity for all the groups of students.
James Rampant
Music & Japanese Teacher