Term Dates/Important Dates

2023 Term Dates
Term 4 -
Monday 2nd Oct - Wednesday 20th Dec
Term 1- 2024
Monday 29th Jan- Staff return to school
Tuesday 30th Jan- Students return to school
Term 4
Friday 3rd
-Campaspe T20 Carnival - Grade 5/6 (selected students)
-2024 Preps- Come, Stay and Play (2.30-3pm)
Monday 6th
-Pupil Free Day (No school for students)
Tuesday 7th
-Melbourne Cup- Public Holiday
Wednesday 8th
-Prep excursion- Kyabram Fauna Park
-Playgroup 9-10.30am
Friday 10th
-Remembrance Day Celebrations
-2024 Preps- Come, Stay and Play (2.30-3pm)
Monday 13th
-Whole School Assembly 2.30pm - Centre
(all welcome)
Friday 17th
-Grade 3/4 Camp payment due
-2024 Preps - Come, Stay and Play (2.30-3pm)
Tuesday 21st
-2024 Prep Transition 9-10am
Wednesday 22nd
-Playgroup 9-10.30am
Monday 27th
-Whole School Assembly 2.30pm - Centre
(all welcome)
Tuesday 28th
-2024 Prep Transition 9-10am
Wednesday 29th - Friday Dec 1st
-Grade 3/4 Camp- Anglesea
Monday 4th- Friday 8th
-Grade 5/6 Swimming (12-2pm )
Tuesday 5th
-2024 Prep Transition 9-10am
Monday 11th
-Whole School Assembly 2.30pm - Centre (all welcome)
-Grade 6 Celebrations
Tuesday 12th
-2024 State Wide School Transition 9am- 1pm
-School Christmas Concert
Wednesday 13th
-School Celebration Day
Thursday 14th
-Student Led Conference
Wednesday 20th
-Last day of term 4- 2023