Around The School

African Drumming Incursion

A spark of happiness!   

Djembe drumming.


At 9:50 on the 19th of October the year 6's went into Drayton Hall for a special African drumming session.

Three people, Mady, Odai and Sahar who specialise in African drumming came and taught us how to drum on a djembe. 

The teachers and the students learnt a dance and some djembe beats. We had a great time and the people who taught us were filled with so much energy and positivity. 

It was an awesome experience and was a spark of happiness for everyone who was there. 

Agnes and Heidi - 6NH



This week in Maths the Year 4 students have been exploring angles using the Beebots. They have been drawing shapes and objects by giving the Beebot a set of instructions, recording their algorithms and identifying the angles they have within them.

Yesterday the Year 3's had an excursion to the Melbourne Museum. The students explored the 'First Peoples' exhibition where they learnt about the history, culture, achievements and survival of Victoria’s Aboriginal people. 


Students also enjoyed the 'Te Vainui O Pacifika' exhibition and the Milarri Garden Trail. Each group had some time to select from the other fantastic exhibitions that the centre had to offer including 'Bugs Alive', 'Dinosaur Walk' and 'The Melbourne Story'. 


Thank you once again to all of the helpers to came along!

Next time you are at assembly in Drayton Hall be sure to take a look at the wonderful prints we have displayed from our recent Lion King production.


Don't forget to provide permission through the Sentral portal 

for your child to participate in the Colour Run!