Chook House opening

Five new enrolments for SKiPPS

Yesterday (Tuesday) morning, we were thrilled to welcome five new enrolments to our school.


Over the last two terms, you will have enjoyed the regular beautifully written newsletter updates from Dugald Jellie ( as he worked with our students to build a 'chook house' for SKiPPS.

This project has seen him work with the students to design and create a chicken shed using recycled materials.


It is fair to say that we are impressed by the results - our SKiPPS chook house is probably the most beautiful in Australia and the five new chickens will live a life of luxury. The chickens will form a part of our Kitchen Garden Program, producing fresh eggs and helping us to reduce food waste by eating scraps and leftovers.

We welcome families to visit the chook house - walk around behind the Art Room and say hello to our new arrivals.


We will be running a competition to name the hens in the next couple of weeks and all students will be invited to suggest suitable names.

I would like to thank Dugald for his hard work, kindness and creativity in designing and building a chook house that is perfect for our school community. I would also like to thank Allison Shanahan, our Garden Specialist for her work in making this project a reality.