Wellbeing Update

Play Leaders Program

Last week saw the return to our Play Leaders Program, with huge numbers of students in attendance. It was wonderful to see so many smiling faces running to the oval with excitement, ready to listen to their Year 5 leaders. Some of these children have not missed a session all year and have said that it is their favourite time of the week! 


Please enjoy some of the Foundation students’ comments:

‘I think it’s really fun because they let people play lots of games. My favourite is Giant’s Treasure.’ (Becky)

‘I go to Play Leaders because it’s fun and there are so many games to play.’ (Percy)

‘I’m happy on Play Leaders Day.’ (Isabella F)

‘There’s not so many friends outside that let me into their games. Play Leaders is the best place to be when I feel alone.’ (Lev)

‘I play with my Buddy and my Buddy’s friends.’ (Emma)

‘I go because it’s so much fun!’ (Alphonse)


Giant's Treasure (a fan favourite) in action!
Giant's Treasure (a fan favourite) in action!


Our Year 5 leaders have continued to grow in confidence, ensuring that they give clear instructions and they are increasingly aware of the needs and capabilities of the group they are working with.  More than anything, they have shown real maturity and empathy when dealing with issues as they arise.

One of our leaders (Bea) checking in with a student during an activity.
One of our leaders (Bea) checking in with a student during an activity.


Mel Borella

Learning Specialist