Important Notices

Referendum Sausage Sizzle and Cake Stall - Thank you

The Voice referendum last weekend saw our school community come together and raise important funds by running a sausage sizzle and cake stall for hungry voters.


Over the day we had a large number of volunteers helping out and we sold 800 'democracy sausages' and some delicious looking cakes. We are still counting the money raised at the event but we are hopeful that it will be somewhere in the region of $3000.

A huge thank you as well, to the parents who baked and donated or came along on the  day to volunteer and contribute to our school.

Working Bee - Saturday 28th October

Our final working bee of the year will be taking place next Saturday (28th October).


We will have a long list of jobs to complete on the day to keep the school looking great - this includes preparing the space for our new SKiPPS flow hive - the latest addition to our kitchen garden program.


We will also be doing lots of tidying, clearing, weeding, paining and generally making our school shine.


If you have an hour or two to spare on the day, we would love to see you down here - bring the whole family.


We will finish up with a free sausage sizzle for lunch to thank the volunteers.


Celebration of the Arts - volunteers needed

Later on in the newsletter we have a page providing lots of information about our Celebration of the Arts (COTA) evening, taking place in 2 weeks time on Thusrday 2nd November.


Please take the time to read this to ensure you are all over the costume, performance times and organisation of the night.


As well as the many amazing performances and the art show, a huge part of the success of the event are the food and drink stall on the evening that turn COTA into a wonderful community event.


SKiPPA, our Parents' Association, are once again coordinating this part of the night and need a large number of parents to volunteer for a slot. We ask that all families make an effort to donate some time to the success of the evening.


The phrase 'many hands make light work' is completely true and having a wide range of parents help out mean that our amazing SKiPPA parents get some time to watch their own children perform and enjoy the evening.


To allow you to choose a volunteer time slot that means you don't miss your child performing, the running order and performance times are listed with the sign up list at: 


Curriculum & TPPD Day Reminder

Students will not be required at school on the following days:

  • Monday 6th November - Curriculum Day
  • Friday 24th November - Teacher Professional Practice Day


Team Kids will be running a full day program on both days for any families requiring childcare. 

Seeking Basketball Coordinator


As you would be aware, basketball plays a huge role at SKiPPS and the Playball teams and before and after school training are a great way for our students to stay active, have fun with competitive sport and for our families to connect.


There is a key person who keeps the system going - our Basketball Coordinator. Currently Nikita Jain has been doing this role but she will soon need to step back. 


This means we are looking for a willing volunteer to take this job on. 

This coordinator manages the distribution of the SKiPPS basketball kits, oversees the training roster and acts as a first point of call for families with questions about basketball at SKiPPS.


Whilst this sounds complicated, it is only a few hours work each month and Nikita is happy to provide a full handover to the new coordinator and walk them through each part of the role.


If you think you can help the school and enable basketball to continue to be such a big part of SKiPPS life, please reach out to Nikita on 

Let us know if you are leaving

As we have now begun Term 4, we have started the process of employing teachers and setting budgets for 2024.


It is really important that we have an accurate idea of student numbers so we can plan ahead with confidence.


If you know that your child will not be attending SKiPPS in 2024 we would really appreciate you letting us know as soon as possible.


Please email the school on to let us know.

Enrolments for Chess in Term 4 are now open!