Events and Birthdays

Upcoming social events and major school activities

Excursions/incursions can be found on Compass School Manager

Term 4: 2nd October - 20th December

  • Wednesday 18th October - School Council Meeting
  • Monday 23 October - Foundation parent/carer coffee- 9:15am @ Rye & Dough 
  • Friday 27th October - SKIPPA Meeting 
  • Saturday 28th October - Working Bee
  • Thursday 2nd November - Celebration of the Arts 2023
  • Friday 3rd November - Foundation parent/carer coffee- 9:05am @ Banff
  • Monday 6th November - Curriculum Day (no students at school) 
  • Tuesday 7th November - Melbourne Cup holiday
  • Monday 13th - Wednesday 15th November - Year 3/4 Camp
  • Thursday 16th November - Foundation parent/carer drinks-7pm @ Bistro Voliere
  • Friday 17th November - SKIPPA Meeting
  • Wednesday 22nd November - School Council Meeting 
  • Friday 24th November - Teacher Professional Practice Day (no students at school)
  • Friday 1st - Sunday 3rd December - Dads' Camp 2023 
  • Wednesday 13th December - School Council Meeting 
  • Wednesday 20th December - Last day of school- early finish at 1:30pm.


All parents/carers are welcome to attend SKIPPA & School Council Meetings

- SKIPPA Meetings are held in the SKIPPS Art Room at 8:20am 

- School Council Meetings are held in the SKIPPS Staff Room at 6:30pm

Friday Assembly Sharing Schedule - Term 4

Each Friday at assembly, a different year level or subject area are invited to share their learning with the whole school. These short presentations provide students with the chance to get up and celebrate the many wonderful things happening at SKiPPS each week. 


 Assembly date

Year levels or subject to share


20 October



27 October

Year 3/4


3 November



10 November

Year 5/6


17 November



24 November

Curriculum Day - no students at school 


1 December



8 December

End of Year performances


15 December

Year 6 performances


Wednesday 20 December

Last day of school

Final Assembly at 1pm -Year 6


Happy birthday to those students who are celebrating another trip around the sun!

Wiktor M

Ardi M

Lucas BHarry L

Please note - we list the children who will celebrate their birthday before the publication of our next newsletter.