
2024 C.A.S. Hawker Scholarships
The 2024 C.A.S. Hawker Scholarships open on Monday 4th December and close on Friday 5th January 2024.
C.A.S. Hawker Scholarships are one of the most generous privately funded scholarships available to undergraduate students in Australia. Each residential scholarship is valued at up to $60,000 over three years. The scholarships are available to all Australian students. The majority have been awarded to students entering their first year of university studies.
Selection is largely based on personal qualities and demonstrated leadership as well as academic ability. Undergraduate Hawker Scholars are able to attend a range of Australian educational institutions. Four scholarships were awarded this year.
The Charles Hawker Scholarship perpetuates the memory of scholar, soldier and pastoralist Charles Allan Seymour Hawker and commemorates the achievements of one of Australia’s most respected statesmen. In the past decade, C.A.S. Hawker Scholarships have been presented by Governors-General Ms Quentin Bryce AC and Major General Michael Jeffery AC, former Speaker of the House of Representatives Hon David Hawker AO, Australian of the Year Dr Richard Harris SC OAM, Director of the Australian War Memorial Dr. Brendan Nelson AO, NFF President Ms Fiona Simson and South Australian Governors the Hon Hieu Van Le AC and the Hon Frances Adamson AC.
At this busy time for your year 12 students and before they commence preparations for their final year examinations, I respectfully request you inform them of the potential life changing opportunities offered by being awarded a C.A.S. Hawker Scholarship.
Might I suggest they visit the website for information about the scholarship.
Yours sincerely
Ian Doyle OAMB Ec. Dip EdSchool CoordinatorC.A.S. Hawker