Student Leaders 

News & Awards 

Ms Antonella

IGNATION Award:   Each week an ward will begiven to a student who demonstrates one or al of our school values:          Community        Excellence        Respect

Congratulations Catie who is always a team player and considerate of others.


Student Class Awards: This weeks Assembly awards will be published in next week's newsletter


Prep CM 



MayaTrying her hardest to improve her writing. Awesome work Maya!

1 / 2 MB



Christina For being a fabulous role model in our learning space. Well done Christina! 

1/2  RT



Olivia VFor being a  kind friend and for including others when they are by themselves. Nice work Olivia! 

1/ 2  AO



MarleyFor constantly doing your best work Marley. Well Done!

3/4 MG


Aris B



Lily B

Always being a kind and helpful friend and a great team member.


Always being a supportive friend and a willing classroom helper.

3/4 TR


Rosie KFor showing improvement in her learning and Lexile quizzes.

5/6  FA


Mila CFor displaying excellence in her testing this week.

5/6 BOC



Dennis JThank you Dennis for always paying attention to detail with your work. We notice the time and effort you put into producing great things!

Performing Arts- 

Ms Stanton

Liv (1/2MB), Eva (1/2AO), Isabel (1/2RT) For making fantastic characters during readers theatre.

Sport- Mrs Mcleary


Vinh Lam 1/2RT

For working hard to improve his softball hitting skills in PE

Mandarin- Mr Su


Catie Lafkiotis - 5/6BOCFor showing confidence and fluency in speaking practice during the lesson.

Leaders and SRC Meeting Term 4  Week 7

Present: Douglas, Yagmur, Amy, Mikayla,  Anthony, Olivia V, Liv, Tie, OliviaH,

Tsnu, Max, Thomas,  Lucas, Amout


Date: Monday 13 November 2023


Teacher Present: Mrs Antonella


  • Trinity Mini Fete - Wednesday 29 November 

It will be during the middle block from 11.30- 1.30

Class events have been finalised


  •  Guess how many jellybeans are in the jar
  •  Second hand book sale
  • Class helpers for the junior students 

Class meetings- testing has been completed so please schedule a class meeting.

Posters for the Mini Fete can be made and shared around the classes from next week 


On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  learning this week? 

 PREP - 8 we sometimes forget to listen and pack up, looking after our things

1/2MB - 9 working really well on our testing and not interrupting the teacher

1/2RT -  no class meeting

1/2AO - 8 everyone is listening to instruction

3/4MG -8 taking responsibility for our learning and doing what needs to be done

3/4TR - 8 not being distracted and asking for help when we need it, trying our best 

5/6FA - 8 completing tasks, testing and leadership speeches 

5/6BOC- no meeting


On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  working together this week?

PREP -  7  we are doing reading tests and keeping our room tidy

1/2MB - 10 listening and trying our best and we remind each other to do the right thing

1/2RT -    no class meeting

1/2AO -  10 groups working together, being supportive of each other

3/4MG - 9, completing PAT,  focusing and trying our best

3/4TR -  10 paying attention, testing and welcoming St John's students

5/6FA -  planning the Twilight Sports with Mrs Mcleary

5/6BOC - no meeting


Learning and events in our school this week:

  • Remembrance day prayer and reflection at  Monday morning  
  • Prep 2024 transition session 4 on Wednesday
  • Final Global citizens program session- presentation of project

What can we improve on this week:


Interrupting in class (PREP)

Calling out



Remind each other to put hand up when we would like to speak

Use our manners and show respect to each other

Arguing with other students (1/2) 

Respect each other and share the class things between each other fairly

When playing , make sure the team is fair and everyone has go


You should not  nominate the same person or your friend for the class Ignatian award  

People that nominate others for the award need to explain why they nominated that person  based on actions and the school value