From the Principal

Quick Updates from the Principal
Each week I write to staff with quick updates. I aim to set them out so you can quickly see which of them interest you and quickly read the information. I hope this format is helpful to busy parents too:
Executive Restructure
Following the development of the Strategic Plan (soon to be published) the board have approved a new executive structure for the college to:
Align with the Strategic Plan.
Build the capacity and resilience of the executive.
Allow for adaption as the college grows in the primary and secondary areas.
Feedback from staff and parents indicated that a more traditional structure would be welcome. The new structure has an Executive Principal, a Primary Principal, a Secondary Principal, a Director of Learning and Teaching and a Business Manager. Advertisements for the two principal positions are currently being advertised.
Car Park
Accidents happen when unexpected things occur. Don’t you be the one who does the unexpected thing that injures a child. We know that children, by their nature, will do unexpected things. Please park in the marked bays and only drive in the direction of the traffic at the speed limit (20kph) even if you can see a quicker way that works for you. This is not about getting around the rules it is about protecting students.
Mobile Device Policy
This new policy is in force from the first bell to the last bell. Please support us. Don’t be the reason your child breaches the policy by trying to contact them. Breaches will be dealt with just like Student Code of Conduct breaches up to and including termination of enrolment for repeat offenders.
School Funding
School funding is in the news again. State government schools are asking for full funding just like the independent schools. Full funding for independent schools means a fraction of what state schools receive from both governments, state and federal. The rest of our funding comes from parents’ fees. Your wages are taxed before you pay those fees, and your tax contributes to the education of all Australian students. This is really a state funding argument, and our school gets caught in the crossfire. Do not let the clickbait reporting make you feel guilty.
Religious Discrimination Policy
It looks like a federal Religious Discrimination Law is no longer on the table until after the election. It is sad that our country is not able to produce legislation that balances competing perspectives and protects important things like religious belief and action.
The Board is currently working on the budget for the next 10 years and hoping to get the balance right. Unfortunately, we have recently heard that the government funding increase is less than the actual cost increases for education. That is about half our income. We are also very aware that wages are not matching the cost-of-living increase and that is pressure on our families. Peter Bain, the Business Manager, and his team are doing a great deal of modelling that will allow us to build new buildings and grow without unrealistic fee increases. We will let you know more as it becomes clearer.
Good News - Government Grant
Exciting news! The Victorian government has granted us $2 million toward building our $7-8 million senior secondary building. We will go out to tender by the end of the month with an aim to be using it in 2026. We are also planning a primary building that will go between the Maintenance Shed (it will move) and “Siberia” (primary specialist block) to bring all primary classrooms closer together and allow for the student growth in the next 10 years.
Yan Yean Road Upgrade
As you know the federal government has approved funding for the Yan Yean Road upgrade. Plans have already been drawn up and service relocation will begin outside the Yarrambat Golf Club while VicRoads negotiates to acquire the land they need down our end. That will mean we will lose 10m or so along the front of our school. However, Vic Roads must reinstate anything they move. We had talks with them a few years ago and we believe we can accommodate this change without great loss. We will also potentially get traffic lights where the roundabout is and maybe another entrance gate. Let’s pray for that.
John Metcalfe