Library News

Library News – Newsletter 30/8/2024

Book Week - Parade

What a week Book Week was! Starting off with the most amazing book character parade on Monday morning and for us culminating in author Felice Arena’s author visit this past Tuesday. Thank you to all the parents and carers who assisted their children with dressing up for the day. 


Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge

Next week is the final week for this year’s Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge. We ask that any books their children have read are entered online by the evening of Thursday 5th September.

The final date we coordinators can enter data at school (including verifications) into the online Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge system is Friday 6th September. After this time we are unable to make any changes/additions, etc.  If there are any queries beforehand, please let your classroom teacher know so they can be tended to.

Book Week: Colouring Competition

Our ‘Reading is Magic’ Book Week Colouring Competition 2024 has been run and won!

As always, the calibre of the entries across the school is extremely high and the task of shortlisting and selecting the eventual winners is daunting! All students who submitted an entry received a small edible treat, with the shortlisted entries also receiving a Caramello Koala. Winning entries also received a prize consisting of an activity pack together with coloured markers.

A display of many of this year’s entries, together with the winning ones, is in the library foyer area for anyone to come and view. 

Congratulations to the following students whose entries were selected as this year’s winners for their Year Level:

  • Will E. (0JG)
  • Tyler S. (1TJ)
  • Amelia P. (2MF)
  • Zara L. (3TW)
  • Alyssa C. (4AK)
  • Mikayla W. (5OM)
  • Shylah P. (6EM)

Author Visit – Felice Arena

What a way to complete Book Week! 

Felice’s visit was a wonderful highlight! 

He kept our students thoroughly engaged with his tales, particularly about his Italian heritage and the pronunciation of his name… if you’re not sure how ‘Felice’ is pronounced or what it means, just ask your children! 

Year 5 & 6 children were enthralled with learning about the historical background to Felice’s most recent novels;

Year 3 & 4 learned a lot about character development and Felice’s collaborative works with both authors and illustrators;

Foundation, Year 1 & 2’s listened to Felice reading a couple of chapters from one of his ‘The Besties’ books, dancing (we loved the ‘Shark’ move) and drew a picture of a cat eating pasta! 

Everyone enjoyed his latest picture storybook ‘Pasta’ (‘Cheese’ is to be released in two weeks and he’s hoping that ‘Cake’ - which has just been submitted to his publishers, will get the nod and be printed next year). 

Our Year 6’s have already started writing mini information books about Felice gleaning their data from the information he shared with them about his life and his social media platforms. 

We hope that Felice’s words of wisdom and advice will inspire all our students when they are writing their own stories both now and into the future.


Scholastic Book Club

Issue 5 orders of Book Club arrived last week and have been distributed to students. 

Issue 6 Book Club brochures were handed out earlier this week. Closing date for any orders from these is next Thursday 5th September. This will ensure that the orders are processed and delivered by Scholastic for the orders to be received before the end of term 3.

As always, if there is ever any item that does not meet your expectations, please let us know. Scholastic are very supportive and timely in addressing issues. 

We also take this opportunity to thank those families who continue to support our school by purchasing books through this means. Our library and classrooms all benefit from commissions earned to help us keep the currency of both our collection and book sets as up to date as possible.


Karin Sansom