Stars of the Week! 

Stars of the Week at Bimbadeen Heights!


The Bimbadeen Heights students continue to make great choices while they are learning. Here are our latest Stars of the Week!









Logan H

Logan is a very enthusiastic student who relishes every opportunity to learn. He has learnt to show whole body listening and always displays excellent effort during learning tasks. Keep up the fantastic work Logan!



Zahli M

Zahli is a respectful and compassionate student. She enjoys learning as well as spending time with her friends. 0JG enjoys Zahli’s smile and enthusiasm. Keep up the amazing work Zahli!



Bexley F

Bexley has settled into ONW beautifully. She demonstrates all our values, especially resilience and shows a caring attitude to her new class and new friends. Bexley follows all the teacher instructions and is trying her best. Congratulations on a great start at Bimbadeen, Bexley!



Lily W

Lily consistently shows a love of learning and compassion to her peers at Bimbadeen. She is independently using learnt strategies to support her resilience without needing a teacher's support. Keep up the great work Lily!  



Angad N

Angad was extremely brave this week when playing his Guitar in front of the class for Show and Tell. He was very proud of himself and enjoyed working outside of his comfort zone! Congratulations Angad! You are a musical superstar!



Liana C

Liana has worked extremely hard to play with new friends this week and help others around her. She has come to school each day with a radiant smile. Keep up the amazing work Liana!



Jayce B

Jayce has settled in beautifully to 0ST. He demonstrates respectful listening on the floor and stays focused during learning tasks. He is a kind and caring friend. Keep up the great work Jayce!



Anna M

Anna is a wonderful student who models respect and integrity in our class. She enjoys learning and spending time with her friends. Anna is continually developing her confidence and should be proud of her efforts. Keep up the great work, Anna!




Joel H

Joel is a thoughtful and kind member of 1WD. He always tries his hardest and demonstrates our school values every day. Joel’s kindness towards others makes him a friend to everyone. We are so proud of you Joel!




Logan B

Logan has been shown his resilience and persistence this week when attempting learning tasks. He always works hard to be an independent learner and has been able to avoid distractions. Well done, Logan!



Phoenix H

Phoenix has shown fantastic resilience and persistence when completing assessment tasks this week. He always tries his best and has made incredible progress in his learning throughout the term. Keep up the great work Phoenix!



Evie B

Evie is an all rounder in 1MR! She always shows that she is ready for each learning task, contributes to discussions and is eager to do her personal best. Evie is compassionate and shows that she is inclusive of all friends and has developed amazing resilience! Keep up the great work Evie.



Eva W

Eva loves learning and she has shown her interest and curiosity by sharing her ideas, opinions and asking thoughtful questions. She is a kind and considerate friend who considers the thoughts and feelings of others. Congratulations Eva, on being the Year 1 Poetry Competition Winner. 1TJ are very proud of you!



Tilly M

Tilly has had a great week of learning in 1TJ. She is an independent worker who demonstrates resilience with all her learning and is helpful to others. Well done, Tilly!



Logan B

Logan has had a wonderful Term 3.  He is always willing to help his teacher and his classmates and shows compassion.  Logan listens attentively and should be proud of his efforts.  Well done Logan!



Addison G

Addison is an amazing role model in 2SB.  She displays all our school values and is respected by others.  Addison produces outstanding work. Well done Addison!




Zara R

Zara has worked hard during term 3 to display our school values.  Her resilience in class is especially pleasing as she tries her best to complete her work.  Keep up all your terrific efforts Zara – and well done on earning your second Star of the Week award.



Sahara H

Sahara has enjoyed a terrific term 3.  She shows great resilience in all her learning and always tries hard to present her work carefully.  It is lovely to see her handwriting steadily improving.  Well done Sahara on earning your second Star of the Week.



Thomas M

Thomas is a fantastic student who shows resilience with his school work, compassion towards his classmates and respect at all times. Well done on a great year so far Thomas!  




Senna N

Senna is a kind, caring and well respected member of 2MR! She includes everyone and tries her best with all school work. Her positive attitude is such an asset and she should be proud of her efforts.




Tahlia H

Tahlia has been working hard during all class time and shows continued respect to everybody around her. She has achieved wonderful goals with her token earning through her kindness and helpful contributions to her teachers and peers. Well done, Tahlia.



Archie E

Archie has shown resilience in the classroom and has been enjoying socialising with all his peers. Archie has been taking on feedback to make improvements to his learning and doing it with a smile. You are doing great, Archie. Well done!



Cammi B

Cammi has been working extremely hard to remain focussed in the classroom and produce high quality work. Cammi is also doing a fantastic job at showing compassion to her peers in the classroom and outside at playtimes. Well done Cammi, you are amazing! 



Elika G

Elika has done a terrific job settling into Bimbadeen. She completes all of her work to a very high standard and is a terrific role model to the other students. Well done Elika, you are a superstar!!



Olivia H

Great effort Olivia. You have been showing so much resilience in the classroom recently with your responsible choices and persistent attitude. I’m particularly impressed with the effort you’ve put into your maths! Nicely done!



Lauren B

Great work Lauren! You have been showing so much responsibility with your awesome choices during our learning time in 3DM! These choices help you and everyone around you. You also have been showing such high levels of integrity and resilience. Keep up the amazing effort!



Manpreet S

Manpreet is a wonderful student who models respect and integrity in our class. He always does his personal best in his learning and consistently responds to feedback to improve his work.

Marvellous work Manpreet!



Violet R

Violet is an energetic student who is liked by her peers and we are lucky to have her in 4JG. She responds well to feedback to improve her work.

Brilliant work Violet!




Micah P

Micah has been developing his whole body listening on the floor this week. He should be proud of the respect he has been showing by focusing during the mini-lesson and putting his hand up to share.​ Well done Micah!



Aubrey S

Aubrey has been a kind, supportive friend to her classmates and helpful to her teacher. She has consistently strived to achieve her best in all learning tasks and can be relied upon to make good choices. Well done, Aubrey!



Ruby Rae

Ruby has shown a great commitment to her learning, especially during writing as she has added in some great descriptive language and taken on what she has learnt in the mini lessons. It has been lovely to see her share some of her work to the class and show a sense or pride. Well done Ruby!