Middle School

Years 9 &10

Maths Game Day

 Recently some Year 9 Academy students participated in the Maths Game Day held at St Albans Secondary College.  Here is what one of our students had to say about it:


On Thursday, 8 August, a select group of Year 9 students represented the Academy at the Year 9 Maths Game Day at St. Albans Secondary College.  Throughout the day, we competed in a range of math games and challenges with other secondary schools from across Victoria.  We worked on a series of questions and puzzles, learning to expand our mathematical knowledge through problem solving, applying skills learned in our math lessons.  We were able to meet other students from different schools in a series of mini math games, and we competed in a team relay, working together to answer different mathematical problems, while enhancing our team building skills.  Overall, it was a really fun day, and a great experience to be a part of. 

Mónica Di Paolo - 9 Barak

Mr Eric Chan

Learning Leader Mathematics

Red Frogs - Party Safe 

In our Year 9 curriculum this semester, students are exploring risk taking behaviours.  The aim is for students to identify the dangers present in party situations and equip them with strategies to protect themselves and others.  The Red Frogs Party Safe session challenged student’s misconceptions on excessive alcohol consumption and recreational drug use, and aims to empower students to be socially responsible in instances such as peer pressure and consent. 

Self Defence

 Our Year 10 PE classes are currently completing their Self Defence unit with Jade Vere-Flint from Empowered Self.  The aim of these sessions are: 


         •       To teach basic self-defence moves that students could put into practice right                           away 

         •       Focus on relevant and realistic street-smart self-defence.

         •       To improve confidence, focus, fitness, balance, flexibility & co-ordination


Ms Tanya Vajda

Learning Leader Health & PE