Junior School

Years 7 & 8

Year 7 Class Captains

We congratulate the following students on their appointment to Class Captain and Vice Captain for Semester Two.


7 Green

Angese Camarda - Class Captain

Amelie Duke - Vice Captain


7 Blue

Sarah Traficante - Class Captain

Alessia Caruso - Vice Captain


7 Red

Tanya Ho - Class Captain

Isabelle Dong - Vice Captain


Dr Bryce Dermody

Wellbeing Leader - Year 7

Year 8 Religion

This term, our Year 8 Religion students have been exploring the fascinating world of saints, delving into the lives of these inspirational figures who have made a significant impact on the Christian faith.  As part of their learning journey, students have not only studied the history and virtues of various saints, but have also engaged in a creative project that combines art, research and personal reflection.  Each student selected a patron saint who resonates with them personally, whether it be due to shared values, life stories, or the saint's patronage over specific causes.  After thorough research, students transformed their insights into unique playing cards, each depicting their chosen saint. This project has been an enriching experience, helping students to not only learn about the saints but also to consider the values and qualities they aspire to embody in their own lives.

Nefeli K - 8 Red
Nefeli K - 8 Red


Ms Hannah Hale

Learning Leader Religious Education