
The McAuley Donation Drive: Final Week 

As we enter the final week of the McAuley donation drive, our school community has been actively learning about the incredible work undertaken by McAuley Services for Women and contributing donations to support the women who benefit from their services.  Over the past few weeks, during mentor group sessions, the Justice Group has encouraged students to create origami hearts and write messages of positivity on them for the women.  These heartfelt messages will be included in care packs that students are invited to help assemble on Friday, 23 August.



Thank you to all the students and their families for their generous donations so far.  During lunch on 23 August, a representative from McAuley Services for Women will be visiting the College to speak to the students at a voluntary lunch session with the Justice Group. After her address, students are invited to stay and help assemble the care packs that will be distributed to these vulnerable women.  


August 23 is also the day of our McAuley Casual Clothes Day.  Gold coin donations via Eftpos and cash will be collected all week from 19 - 23 August during mentor group sessions.  The funds raised will be used to purchase vouchers for the women accessing the services.  McAuley Services for Women prefer vouchers, as they give women the freedom to choose what they need.  Families and staff are also welcome to donate vouchers, which can be dropped off at the school reception. 


Student Voices Project - Mercy Education Board 

Recently, our College was invited to bring its ‘student voice’ to the Mercy Education Board to discuss the topic: “What should Mercy Education be doing as an organisation to address the issue of Modern Slavery in our world today?”  Students were encouraged to use any type of media for their 5-minute presentations in response to this important question.  Our Justice Group eagerly embraced the opportunity to share their thoughts and raise awareness about Modern Slavery.  Well done to Harriet, Hannah, Emma, Eloise, Hava, and Clara for their inspiring ideas and their eagerness to share them with the Mercy Education Board.  


Perform for Peace 

Following the event, an article highlighting the efforts of Leah, Sinitta, and the Senior Student Leadership Team was published on the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne website.  If you would like to read about this amazing event, please click here  https://melbournecatholic.org/news/performing-for-peace-students-raise-3-000-for-caritas  

Launch of Mercy Works Mornings 27 Aug - 17 Sep

During Mercy Term (Term 3), our school’s social justice focus is on Mercy Charities, with the Justice Group inviting all students to participate.  The first half of the term focused on McAuley Services for Women through education and a donation drive.  The second half will be dedicated to Mercy Works, aiming to raise funds and awareness through morning fundraisers featuring hot drinks and food items, with student volunteers.  Mercy Works, established in 2000, partners with vulnerable communities in Australia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and Timor-Leste to build capacity and self-reliance.  The fundraiser will honor Catherine McAuley’s tradition of the “Comfortable Cup of Tea,” symbolising the warm, caring relationships central to her vision of Mercy.  The morning fundraisers will be held between 8.00am - 8:30am on the following dates:


Tuesday, 27 August - Hosted by the Justice Group - serving pancakes and Milo 

Tuesday, 3 September - Hosted by Year 7 & 12 students 

Tuesday, 10 September - Hosted by Year 10 & 11 students 

Tuesday,17 September - Hosted by Year 8 & 9 students 


To read more about Mercy Works and what they do, please visit their website at  https://www.mercyworks.org.au/ 

Ms Mel Sachanandani

Justice Leader