
DEPUTY PRINCIPAL, Learning & Teaching

Year 10, 2025  - 12 Subject Selection 

Subject Selection for 2025 is well underway.  Students who are moving into Year 10 – 12 in 2025 (current Year 9 – 11), should submit their subject preferences on or before Friday, 23 August.  Students and parents are encouraged to use the Student/Parent/Teacher conferences to discuss their progress with the teacher and receive advice about subjects for next year. 


The advice we give all students is to ‘pick subjects you enjoy, subjects you are good at and subjects that meet the prerequisites of any future courses you are interested in.’  This will help create an interesting, engaging and successful program for each individual.


Students and parents are encouraged to use the Senior Years Course Guide 2025 and have discussions with teachers to help with their decision making.

Year 9, 2025 Program 

Over the last 18 months, we have carried out an extensive review of our Year 9 Synergy program.  We are excited to announce that in 2025, we are launching a new Year 9 Program that retains the highlights of the Synergy program, is expanded to include a focus on the future and maintains continuity in the core subjects throughout the year.


As part of the review, we sought feedback from the school community (students, parents and teachers), explored what works well for Year 9 students, looked at educational research about how students learn, explored Year 9 programs in over 20 Victorian schools across the Catholic, Independent and government sectors and visited four schools.

Feedback received from the community included the following:

  • The Synergy program enhanced student learning by developing independence, collaborative skills, research skills and presentation skills
  • Students enjoyed learning about the history and city of Melbourne and found the excursions valuable and a highlight of the program
  • Students became inquisitive and curious learners
  • Students were able to take ownership of their work
  • Students found the Learning Project challenging and valuable and enjoyed researching an area of interest, working with experts in the field
  • Students developed stronger connections with their class
  • Students developed thinking and metacognitive skills (learning how to learn)
  • Concerns were raised about the lack of continuity in the core subjects and changing teachers
  • The program was crowded due to lack of time, so there was a  lack of consolidation of skills 
  • The community indicated they would like a focus on STEM, leadership, entrepreneurial and creative skills

We found that the length of the program varied at different schools, ranging from a day a fortnight right through to a year long program.  Based on our research and considering our context and students, we have developed the new Year 9 program that will allow us to have core subjects to run all year, thus ensuring continuity of learning, as well as giving students access to an elective program and our new Year 9 program. 


From 2025, Year 9 will be divided into two distinct semesters, half the year level will take part in the new Year 9 program in the first semester, while the other half will take part in the Elective program.  At the end of the semester, students will swap, so that those who studied Year 9 program in the first semester, move into the elective program for the second semester and vice versa.  All students will continue with their Core subjects for the entire year to ensure continuity of learning.  


The Core subjects are English, Mathematics, Science, Religious Education, Health Education, Physical Education and a Language.


In the Elective semester, all students will study History and Economics and Business but will choose two more elective subjects from the Technology and Arts Learning areas.  Due to the popularity of the subject Economics and Business and the importance of having economical literacy in the world today, this subject has moved from an elective subject to one that all students will study.


When students are undertaking the Year 9 program in their semester, the focus is on students understanding who they are, where they come from and their place in Melbourne, the world and the future.  Students will explore real world applications of Geography and Civics and Citizenship within the city of Melbourne and there will be a focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) through research, presentation and designing solutions to real world issues.  Students will have choice in their learning as they decide what to research, which problem to solve, who they collaborate with and how they present their solutions and projects.


Year 8 students will be introduced to the program next week and will make their subject selection following this presentation.  


As you will see from the introduction of VCE Personal Development Skills and Work Related Skills along with the new Year 9 program, we are committed to reviewing our programs to make sure we offer contemporary, rigorous and engaging programs that meet the needs of our students and the community.  We will be reviewing the Year 10 program next year with implementation from 2026 and Year 7 and 8 thereafter. 


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 


Ms Lucy Neil

Deputy Principal - Learning and Teaching