Year 6 Leadership Update

Urgent Request: Donations required
Our Year 6 leadership teams are currently starting a fundraising initiative to help Sacred Heart Mission on Grey Street. Please give generously if you can.
- Please donate books - bring them to the donation box in the school office - our Year 6 students will be running a used book stall in weeks 9 and 10 of this term.
Review of the last term
Year 6 leadership
Last term was very busy. The year 6s were planning and executing Market day. Their stalls included ice cream, haunted house, pizza at the movies, disco, bakery ,smoothies and chocolate toss.
This process lasted over a month with one session per week.
Here are some quotes about the day:
“ I really enjoyed doing market day though we struggled with the queues”
- Camille (bakery group) 5/6G
“ I really liked it! “-Goldie 1/2L
“My favourite stall was the bakery!”- Ines 12/J
Play Leaders
The Play Leaders is an opportunity for Year 5/6 students to use their leadership skills to organize and run a series of sports games for the younger students (3s,4s,1s,2s and preps) to enjoy. The program runs during lunchtimes on certain days.
“play leaders is good!”
Tomi from 56G
Year 5 buddies program
Year 5 students were working with Foundation students a lot this past term. The Year 5’s and Foundation students underwent a variety of activities once a week which may have included getting to know their buddy, computer activities, math and literacy tasks, sport, puzzles and craft activities, like a mothers and special persons day card. The year 5 students also planned out a special activity for the preps.
“it was really fun really fun receiving the cards they made and having lunch with them”
Archie and Jake from 56G
What we are working on right now and what you should expect to be coming:
Y6 Leadership
This term so far we have decided our initiative groups . These initiative groups are aiming to help out members of the community, so for example we could donate to certain organizations/charities and help out with book drives. These will have been finished by the end of the term. We will be needing some donations though, so look out for the announcements.
“Helping the community is really exciting especially since we get to choose how”- Neave Y6 5/6 G (Bottles for sacred heart group)
This term so far our buddy partnerships have done some coloring in made cards and in the near future they will be doing activities related to book week and other upcoming events.
“The sessions have been really enjoyable even though we haven't hung out with the preps much we are working on something for them, though” - Iniko 5/6 L
“It's been really good, my buddy is the best in the whole world!” - Mia and Margot- Foundation N
Play leaders
This term our play leaders running sessions have been 2 times a week like usual. It is a fun experience and is open for all students from foundation to Y5. After asking the people who run these sessions we came to one conclusion: dodgeball is definitely one of people's favourite games.
“Everyone loves dodgeball!” Bea and Olive Y5 5/6MS
By Veneta A and Margot S