A message from the Principal

As we have now moved into the second half of this term, each team at our school have shared a 'Curriculum Update' - a mini newsletter that sets out what they will be focusing on in class during weeks 6-10 of this term.
These have been uploaded onto Seesaw and we ask that all families login to stay up to date with their child's learning.
The updates are designed to help families engage with their child's learning in class and to support conversations and work at home that best supports what we are doing at SKiPPS.
We know that often children are not too enthusiastic about sharing 'what they did at school today' and so we have tried to provide a summary of what their key Reading, Writing, Maths and Inquiry learning will be focusing on.
In addition, in the update, your child's teachers have suggested ways that you could support at home - things to practice, questions to explore and 'preview learning' to take part in.
There is also a section with some key reminders of upcoming dates and events for the whole school and your child's year level in particular.
We really value a strong relationship between school and home as one of the best ways to ensure children are engaged and thriving in their learning and wellbeing. We hope that you find these updates a useful way to stay up to date with the learning taking place in class.
Neil Scott