The literacy corner / Le coin des bouquins

Next week is Book Week ! 


Lots of great activities are planned in the classrooms next week. 

We encourage all the families to come dressed up and join us for our wonderful Book parade on Wednesday the 23rd . We can't wait to see all the students dressed up.

Last year was a success, let’s make it even bigger by having families dress up as well !


Why is Reading wonderful?

  • Reading makes you travel …
  • Reading distracts you when you need it …
  • Reading is free …
  • Reading reduces stress…

We encourage you to have a conversation with your child about books and reading, how you love them etc ..


On a learning point of view ..


Regular reading  improves: ALL the literacy skills (how amazing is this!!!)

  • Sentences structures
  • Vocabulary
  • Ideas 
  • Languages conventions 
  • Spelling
  • Imagination

How do you achieve this as a parent when you are busy, overwhelmed etc?


Make it a game! Reward the effort, it can be 4 by 5 minute sessions...

If your child is reluctant, begin by making him/her listen to a podcast… still helps with structure etc…

As a French teacher, I see a direct correlation between the level of French and the commitment to read in French. If you struggle to find great French books, feel free to contact your child’s French teacher, we have many resources that could help .


Please find below few suggestions/memories/recommendations of books from CJC Staff :

We are lucky to have a wonderful library that madame Duimovich made beautiful and it is so full of great books, don’t hesitate to pay a visit!


Junior readers / Pour les petits 

Les barbapapas sont des personnages merveilleux, plein fantaisie  de gentillesse et de créativité. Ils inventent l'école de leurs rêves…

Barbapapas are wonderful characters, full of fantasy, kindness and creativity. They invent the school of their dreams… Madame Floch



Lucas, le fils du loup, quitte sa famille pour vivre sa vie. Son père lui donne une liste de choses à manger, telles que la chèvre et les sept chevreaux, le petit chaperon rouge, les trois petits cochons. Lucas, trop sentimental, laisse passer de tels repas. Une promenade dans les contes de fées.


Lucas, the wolf's son, leaves his family to live his life. His father gives him a list of things to eat, such as the goat and the seven kids, little red riding hood, the three little pigs. Lucas, too sentimental, misses such meals. 

A walk through fairy tales.

Madame Floch


Mon livre préféré quand j’étais petite c’était l’Alphabet de la Sagesse .Chaque lettre est associée à un concept (A comme Amour, B comme Bonheur, C comme Confiance) et chaque concept est expliqué par un conte. J’aimais beaucoup ce livre parce que ce sont des histoires courtes remplies d’humour qui font voyager (chaque conte vient d’un pays, d’une culture différente). Même si ce livre est destiné à un public jeune, il utilise la poésie pour expliquer des sujets importants (X comme Xénophobie). Je recommande !  

Madame Baqué


One of my childhood favourites was The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton. It’s a nostalgic story as I remember my parents reading it to me as a young child. I loved the adventure and all the characters. 😊

Miss Spencer


Senior readers / pour les plus grands 



Tistou est un petit garçon qui possède le pouvoir de faire pousser toutes sortes de plantes instantanément. Il utilise ce pouvoir pour répandre le bonheur autour de lui  et soigner la tristesse des gens qui l'entourent.


Tistou is a little boy who has the power to grow all kinds of plants instantly. He uses this power to spread happiness around him and heal the sadness of people around him. Madame Floch


Un récit d'aventure totalement fantastique et poétique comme tous les livres de Jules Verne ! 

Un livre pour les lecteurs experts ou à partager en famille. Pas besoin de partir en vacances…


A totally fantastic and poetic adventure story like all Jules Verne's books! A book for expert readers or to share with the family! No need to go on holidays, just open this book!

Madame Floch



Adventure story about "AceCarew, the dynamic commander of the RAF's famous Special Combat Squadron "The Flying Bulldogs".

Mister Chant

Fantomette & Animal books

Quand j’étais petit, j’adorais lire “Fantômette" de George Chaulet. C’est super d’avoir un personnage féminin qui soit fort et audacieux ! J’aimais aussi particulièrement les livres sur les animaux avec de belles photos, surtout sur les animaux australiens comme les kangourous!


When I was little, I enjoyed reading Fantomette, a French series of novels where the main character is a strong and brave girl. I loved it! I also particularly liked books on animals with beautiful photos, especially ones about Australian animals such as the kangaroos.

Monsieur Berraud


The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis.


The story is part of a series of 7 books about some children who move through a portal to another land, Narnia. In this book, instead of being in the land of Narnia itself, the children are aboard a sailing ship called the Dawn Treader, and they take part in King Caspian's quest to find the seven lost lords of Narnia who went to explore the uncharted Eastern Seas and never returned.


This was absolutely the introduction I needed to the world of Fantasy books. Now we have Harry Potter, and they are amazing books, but the Voyage of the Dawn Treader had me mesmerised and reading under the blankets at night with a torch when I should have been sleeping. I was a year 5 volunteer in the library at my primary school and as a reward the librarian offered a choice of books to take home and keep. This was the one I chose.

Trudy Warman



The Grandest Bookshop in the World - The Bookseller’s Apprentice - The Lost Book of Magic

(Series by Amelia Mellor)


Amelia Mellor is an Australian author who has written a wonderful series of books that are inspired by the real Cole’s Book Arcade, which was a prominent landmark in Melbourne from 1883 to 1929. 


In The Grandest Bookshop in the World, we meet the Cole family, and join ten-year-old Pearl and her brother Vally as they try to overcome the evil plan that the mysterious Obscurosmith has hatched. If unsuccessful, their father and the magical bookshop that he has created will disappear forever.


The Bookseller’s Apprentice is the prequel to The Grandest Bookshop in the World, and introduces us to twelve-year-old Billy Pyke, who dreams of becoming the manager of Cole’s Book Arcade. Billy works in the heart of Melbourne at Paddy’s Market, and cares for his six younger siblings in a chaotic household. He meets Kezia Nobody, who warns him about the Obscurosmith, who Billy must stop from making his evil deals.


The Lost Book of Magic is the third and final book in the series, and is due for release in September.


I absolutely LOVED the first two books in this series, and can’t wait for September to get my hands on The Lost Book of Magic! I felt all the emotions that Pearl and Billy experienced, and wished so dearly for the Obscurosmith to be defeated. The book arcade is a truly magical place, with not only books, but animals, toys, a live band and other novelties. These wonderful books sparked my interest in learning about the history of the arcade and other fascinating sites in Melbourne. This website gives a wonderful description of the eccentric Edward William Cole and his marvellous enterprise:


Window by Jeannie Baker


love a good picture book which has no text.  Jennie Baker has ‘written’ several wordless picture books: ‘Window’ is the first one I came across and remains one of my favourites. 


Since these books have no words, you have to pay close attention to the illustrations and use context clues to follow the plot.  Jeannie Baker uses intricately crafted collages as the illustrations for her books.  


Mrs Brunton