From the School Leadership Team 

L'équipe de direction de CJC

Dear CJC community,


This week we farewelled our visitors from Kansai University.  Over the weekend the students were able to spend time with their host families as part of a home stay arrangement. Thanks to our generous families who opened their homes to welcome our young visitors. This program is a final assessment in their communication unit and we are pleased all our visiting students met the requirements to pass the unit. The lessons presented to our Year 3 and 4 classes were linked to the science curriculum and prepared with the support of our staff. They now return home and start to look for work in their chosen field.


The Olympics have come to a close and we have all enjoyed the chance to watch the world’s best athletes strive to achieve their dreams and personal best. The vision of Paris and the French countryside was captivating and we look forward to seeing more action as the Paralympics get underway in the coming weeks.


This week, staff attended a conference where educational technology and innovation was on display. We are looking to upgrade the interactive technology across the school so our classes can access content and related learning opportunities more effectively. This commitment to technology across the school is linked to our Technology specialist program, the provision of fulltime onsite technical support, professional learning for our staff and our continuing notebook program that commences in Year 3.


An information evening is planned for families regarding the Bring Your Own Designated Device program (BYODD) for this term, and we will send out the dates and related information to our Year 2 families shortly.


Newspaper headlines this week made comment around NAPLAN performances of students across the country and here in Victoria. The national assessment program for Literacy and numeracy is an isolated test that compares students from across the country and from a variety of situations. At CJC we always look forward to accessing this performance data and use this to support ongoing classroom assessments, teacher records and the implementation of our assessment schedule.  


Book week

Next week is Book Week!  There are lots of activities planned for the classrooms. 

We also have:

  • Grandparent's day on Monday 19th August.
  • The book parade on Wednesday 21st August.
  • The book fair will be held between 26th August to 3rd September.

And the Premier's reading challenge is in full swing.


All details are to be found within this newsletter.


Planning for 2025.

This is the time of year when we finalise our enrolments for 2025 and plan our whole school transition programs starting in November. Please inform us if your child/ren will be exiting CJC at the end of this school year, by sending an email to the office and your child/ren's teachers as soon as possible:

If your child is already enrolled at CJC, you do not have to complete any paperwork to enrol your child in 2025. Your child’s enrolment will automatically roll over for 2025.


Families are reminded school commences each morning at 8.50am when the classroom doors open. Children should not be on site earlier than that an we expect that students go directly to their class and prepare for the learning day ahead.


Please remember to  complete the Parent/Carer/Guardian survey for 2024.  Please contact the school if you require further details.


Chris Chant