By Zayda Doidge (Prep Teacher)
Our Prep students recently celebrated 100 days of school by getting into character and dressing up as a 100 year old. It was fantastic for the students to celebrate this huge milestone and reflect on the progress that they have already made in just 100 days! We did a variety of activities surrounding the number 100 including counting to 100 by 1’s and 10’s and writing about what they like to do if they were 100 years old. Most agreed they would bake cookies and take a nap. Every day of learning counts and we are proud of our Prep students. We cannot wait to see their progress continue over the next 100 days.
By Caleb Lobbe (Year 8 Co-ordinator)
Last Monday, we took two teams to the CSEN Football Championship day. Attending this day was inspired and driven by the students who were very eager to put together a full team each to make it happen.
It was awesome to see the students' passion for football shine and they represented our school brilliantly. Mr Cliffe had the privilege of coaching the girls team, and they did a great job, finishing 3rd overall (only missed the grand final by percentage).
I (Caleb) had the privilege of coaching the boys team and they were very successful, going undefeated for the whole day and winning the grand final by 4 goals - congratulations boys!
It was a fantastic day and we are very proud of all the students involved and how well they represented our school, showing great teamwork, skills and sportsmanship right throughout the day. A big thank you to all who helped!
Boys MVP
1st: Rye T
2nd: Jesse D
3rd Xavier G
Girls MVP
1st: Jessie T
2nd: Emily C
3rd: Marli D