BOOK WEEK (Primary Event)
Primary students will have the opportunity to celebrate BOOK WEEK on Monday, August 19th by dressing up as their favourite book character and a parade will occur during assembly. A fun way to promote a love for reading and imagination. (We kindly ask for your support in selecting costumes and books that avoid magical characters, such as fairies, wizards, witches, and goblins, to ensure everyone in our diverse community feels comfortable with the portrayals).
PING PONG A THON (Whole School Event)
On Thursday, 19th September, the entire school will participate in our annual PING PONG A THON event. This is a day filled with various activities that will also raise fundraising money that will be donated to charities focused on ending slavery. Dress up in 80s theme - fluro, sweat bands, ping pong a thon t-shirts, crazy hair...
We look forward to seeing the students participate with enthusiasm in these events.
Check out the Pong page to see all the details!
Year 7 - Year 12 students are invited to TOASTIE THURSDAYS in the Chaplain Space. These mornings are designed to encourage and promote students overall well-being and mental health along starting the day with a tasty breakfast!
All are welcome and we look forward to hosting TOASTIE THURSDAYS between 8.00am - 8.30am each Thursday!