Inquiry Centre
Selamat Siang
What a great time we have been having in the Inquiry Centre. We finished last week off with an amazing Glow in the Dark Disco and we have had Indonesian Day this week! We even got to show you all the amazing work we have been doing in class during our 3-way conferences. It has been a great week!
In Maths we have been learning about arrays and multiplication. We have been playing games like “Array Capture” to help build our understanding and have enjoyed creating a range of arrays using concrete materials, and on our mini whiteboards. In Reading we have been looking at texts from different perspectives. We have studied 3 different versions of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” and created a 3-way diagrams to show the similarities and differences between the three texts.
We all enjoyed a plane ride to learn about Paris. We learnt about passports, why we need them and how they work. We created passports, turned our classroom into an aeroplane and showed our tickets before we could hop on the plane. We had so much fun! Where should we fly too next?
Student Voice
“The disco was so much fun!” Giselle 1/2S
“I’m excited for Indonesian day” Tarah 1/2S
“I really loved Guided Inquiry” Aaron 1/2M
“I got to go to Paris” Paige 1/2S
“Mr chicken went to Arc de Triomphe” Chloe 1/2E
- If you could please send in a box of tissues with your child, these get used throughout the year by their class.
- Your child should be bringing home levelled reading texts each night. If this is not happening, please contact your classroom teacher.
- The Premiers Reading Challenge ends on the 8th of September so there is only a few more weeks to complete it.
- We have our Great Book Swap on Wednesday 4th of September (Week 8). If you have any pre-loved books in excellent condition that you would be happy to donate, please bring them up to the tubs placed at the office by Friday 23rd August.
Pupil of the week
1/2A - Zakia F
For demonstrating a love of learning when going on an imaginary trip to Paris in Guided Inquiry. You asked great questions and drew a wonderful picture of the Olympic Mascot.
1/2M - Isabella D
For your perseverance and love of learning during our writing sessions this week. You put a lot of effort into your story, and you focused on your writing goal.
1/2S - Roy S
For showing a love of learning when comparing books this week. You created an amazing 3-way diagram comparing different versions of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’.
1/2KS - Bella D
For showing teamwork and curiosity when learning about multiplication. You used hands on materials to show your thinking and shared your ideas with your peers.
1/2E - Chloe C
For demonstrating a love of learning and persevering when working towards your skip counting goal in Maths this week!