Leadership Centre


Selamat Siang,


Who’s been enjoying all of this sunshine… I know we have! This week in the Leadership centre we have had some amazing things happening. Some of our students have been working hard on their Tournament of Minds Challenges. We wish them all the best luck for the weekend where they will be presenting their responses at Deakin University. We have enjoyed reconnecting and sharing our reflections of semester one with all parents during our 3-way conferences.


We have also been celebrating Indonesian Day. On Thursday, in our specialist classes and classrooms we rotated around a variety of activities; from cooking to ball games to graphic designing and much more. On Friday it was Regional Hockey day where some lucky few were able to go and compete for our school. 


5/6 Leadership Team


  • 19/08 @ 2:45pm - 5/6C presenting at assembly
  • ICE preferences due Monday 19th August.
  • 23/08 - Book Week Parade
  • 26/08 - Curriculum Day (Pupil Free)
  • 30/08 - I.C.E Session 1
  • Thank you to those who have brought in tissues for the class- if you can please bring in tissues that would be amazing!

We have our Great Book Swap on Wednesday 4th of September (Week 8). If you have any pre-loved books in excellent condition that you would be happy to donate, please bring them up to the tubs placed at the office by Friday 23rd August.

Student Voice

Lahin 5/6FL - “I enjoyed making pancakes in science, learning about liquid and solids”

Henry 5/6E “I loved making the pancakes on Indonesian day, I can taste it from the smell”

Eva D 5/6S “ I enjoyed the experiments in science about solids and liquids”

Owen 5/6S “ Indonesian Day has been so much fun!”

Pupil of the Week

5/6C - Anna R

For demonstrating a growth mindset and perseverance when exploring division strategies using arrays.


5/6S - Elliott G

For demonstrating a growth mindset and teamwork when collaborating with your group to develop compelling arguments for your debate! 


5/6FL - Aira N

For demonstrating curiosity and perseverance while exploring multiplication with decimals.


5/6E - Molly B

For demonstrating perseverance and love of learning when learning new strategies for multiplication and division.


5/6N  Thomas Barker

Well done on challenging yourself and working with your group to create persuasive arguments in your debate!