Principal's Message
Term 3 - Week 5 Hats are back 1st September!
Principal's Message
Term 3 - Week 5 Hats are back 1st September!
We will hold our Assembly on Monday at 2.45. Thankyou everyone for your patience while we navigated illness across the school. 5/6C will present and Nick McGowan will be in attendance to present our MPGT awards. We will be presenting our Victorian High-Ability Program (VHAP) enrichment program award too.
We look forward to welcoming families back and coming together as a community to celebrate our student's achievements.
G.A.T.E.WAYS Eureka Program - Mathematical Marvels
Last Thursday Ryan R, Saumya V and Charlie W attended the G.A.T.E.WAYS Eureka Program where students across Melbourne gathered to participate in two workshops based on the theme 'Mathematical Marvels'. Students were provided with opportunities to think abstractly, practise high order thinking skills through developing problem-solving strategies and extend their conceptual understanding of key mathematical concepts and their application in our world.
Ros Walker
Leading Teacher (Enrichment & Engagement)
Charlie, Saumya and Ryan wrote about their G.A.T.E.WAYS experience:
The Gateways Mathematical Marvels program was an interschool enrichment program, where enthusiastic teachers taught passionate students about two aspects of mathematics - probability and multiplication. This was done in an enjoyable, advanced and intriguing way! Throughout the day, we explored the two topics by participating in unique and engaging tasks based on the more lesser known fields of maths such as perfect numbers and factorials. There were many other schools there, and it was a great opportunity to collaborate with other like-minded students to solve challenging questions. Whether we were exploring the probability present in the world of Lego Minifigures, or deciphering codes related to Binary, we had an amazing time!!
While we have individual student results and wait for school level and boarder information to analyse our NAPLAN results the DE has communicated what the national data says about Victoria’s performance in NAPLAN, please see the link and infographic below.
Our leadership team will be attending NAPLAN Roadshows later next month and staff will also attend PL around the new levels and interpreting our schools results.
Thank you to all our families and teachers for the support of our amazing students as they present their reflections on their achievements and their next steps. Everyone is juggling commitments to prioritise this valuable time as we work together to ensure you children succeed.
This week students from Foundation to Year Six celebrated National Science Week. Our amazing Science teachers put together a jam-packed program that involved making pancakes with eighteen classes and over four hundred students!
Foundation students used pancake shakers and described the push and pull forces and combining solids and liquids to create a mixture.
Year 1/2 students investigated solids, liquids and gases and reversible and irreversible reactions. They discussed safety in the Science room and the importance of following a method.
Year 3/4 students applied their knowledge of heat physics and chemistry to make coloured pancakes from scratch. It was amazing to see their collaboration, discussions, turn taking and safety considerations.
Year 5/6 students looked into observable properties of pancakes in each state. They considered temperature, texture and colour and the differences between mixtures and solutions.
Stephanie Muratovic & Beth Cardwell, Science
Selamat siang! This week saw a pop of merah dan putih (red and white) on Thursday as we celebrated Indonesian Day. Students observed Hari Indonesia by playing games of Sepak Takraw, Congklak, learnt about Wayang Kulit (shadow puppets), singing Topi Saya Bundar (My Hat is Round) and cooked up a delicious feast of Dadar Gulung (pandan pancakes). A huge terima kasih to Bu Ningsih and Bu Ashanti from Sanggar Lestari who came to teach us the Tari Kupu-kupu, the Maumere dance and how to play the angklung. Terima kasih to parent helpers who came to support their children in Indonesian as well!
We want your feedback! Were you randomly selected to complete the survey? Please take the time to complete the survey. Use the link you were emailed. The survey is open online from Monday 29 July to Friday 30 August 2024 and takes 20 minutes to complete. Thank you!
Bu Mundy
On Friday September 6th, we will be holding our English Open Morning where parents and carers are welcome to join us for part of a Reading or Writing lesson across the school. Classrooms will be open from 9am-9.45am so that families can get a snapshot of how Literacy is taught at MPRPS. To accommodate families with students in multiple classes, an announcement will be made at 9.20am encouraging people to move to the next classroom if needed. We are looking forward to seeing families at this event and sharing the amazing learning that students engage in!
Learning Specialists: Em Glen and Kate Molloy
Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge
Tania Hosken, Literacy Teacher
Our beloved Book Week Parade is on again to celebrate all things literature. On Friday 23rd at 9am, weather permitting, students will have an Assembly held on the oval, just outside the art room. Each class will have a chance to share their costumes and see the other year levels which is always a highlight, particularly as they keep an eye out for their buddy! Students will also participate in a range of Book Week activities, exploring some of the texts nominated for the CBCA Awards.
Lunchtime Clubs Timetable for Term 3