MiniLit Achievements

We are so pleased and proud to share that the following students are graduating from our MiniLit program.
Congratulations to Arthur DS, Asma A, Christian T, Frankie C, Gus R, Jara H, Luna G, Munkhbaatar J, Nancy M, Quincy H and Sajid A.
It has been an enormous delight to work with you. You all bring such fun and joy to our literacy learning. We have had many happy lessons together with so many funny stories, lots of stickers, countless muesli bars, and a very long list of digraphs and trigraphs!
You are all shining stars. Thank you for your wonderful company and for your beautiful reading.
You can look forward to being awarded your certificates at Assembly in Week 4 (Friday 9 August).
Best wishes and congratulations,
Julia (Literacy Support)