Art Creative Practice

Year 11

Year 11 Art Creative Practice students have displayed their charcoal drawing skills and have exhibited artworks that reflect their depictions of family and friends.

Zakwan drew his friends Jacky and John contemplating their homework. He has drawn on his understanding of chiaroscuro and tried to capture how focussed they were at that moment.

Alicia’s drawing depicts a great personal friend and she used expressive lines to dramatise her portrait. Alexandra congratulated her on a job well done.


Work In Progress - Lino Printing

Students are currently developing their Lino Printing Skills. While planning a collaborative art project with their peers. Students have explored Lino Printing techniques and equipment while evaluating and refining their skills. Students have planned their own artworks and are in the process of preparing their final matrix for printing.

Printing Process
Printing Process
Exploring and Refining Printing Techniques
Exploring and Refining Printing Techniques

And many thanks to our enthusiastic pre service teacher Evelyn who has supported our students on their creative journey!


-Adrienne Johnson

Year 11 Creative Art Practice Teacher