I have had another great week holding the fort for Bernie and it has been another busy one! Here is a recap….


Weekend Activities

Last weekend, our wonderful staff members Brenton Rice and Therese Sparks, AKA Sparky, hosted a wonderful weekend for lucky students who chose to stay in.


On Friday, Brenton took a group of students to Harvey for a quick shop.  After dinner, the students sat around the fire pit, chatting and listening to music before going to bed early to prepare for a big day on Saturday. 


On Saturday, students went to Perth, visiting Carousel Shopping Centre and Optus Stadium for the Freo vs. Geelong game. Student behaviour was exceptional as they all represented the school and had a great day.  Upon returning to the College, some students socialised for a little while, but most went to bed early after a big day.


Prior to the game we ran a competition to guess who would win the footy and by how many points. The closest student, Emma Astill, won a Freo Dockers scarf. 

Sunday was a quieter day around the College, with students playing games in the gym, sitting around the fire and resting in dorms. A few girls went to ride their horses while the weather held up.


This week's Activities 

  • Hockey in Collie.
  • Netball, two Ag teams made the Grand Final next week. 
  • Football training. 
  • Bill continued with the Pool comp throughout the week.
  • There were no takers for this week's exercise group. 
  • Talking circle with Kryssie for Logue Dorm.
  • Darts Maths with Rob. 
  • Wednesday night, we were spoilt with a show for students who chose to attend      Harvey Recreation & Cultural Centre: “From Bee-Bop to Hip-Hop Featuring Zero Emcee & WA Youth Jazz Orchestra,” which has been advertised through HAC Chat. Students had a taste of their performance when they visited school this week and the feedback was very positive.

Have a great weekend. I can’t wait to see everyone dressed for the long-awaited Harvey Ag Ball!