Trades Extra in Focus 

The Year 12 students are mid-way through their final term of schooling. Career options should be at the forefront of their thoughts as they endeavour to complete all their schoolwork.


Apprenticeship opportunities are becoming available, and students should now take the initiative to get their resumes in order and apply. The Trades staff are happy to provide guidance on any of the processes that students and parents need to answer.


Year 12 Incursion - Apprenticeship Community

Kym Tierney and Greg Tomlinson from the Apprenticeship Community will visit in the coming weeks. They will offer expertise in career guidance to our Year 12s regarding job opportunities and meeting the standards in the application process. Kym offers a wealth of knowledge and experience and has great advice for those wishing to find an apprenticeship. Kym is based in Perth and coordinates personnel across the state.


Furnishings Workshop – Machinery upgrade

A new Spindle Moulder has been purchased to assist student learning and productivity. This piece of machinery offers furniture-making students the opportunity to explore their creative ideas by designing patterns/templates and production. 


After School Metals

We will continue on Tuesdays focusing on the Year 12 project completion.