College Ball

This week, there has been the usual buzz and excitement amongst the students about the College Ball this Friday night. I have dusted off the suit and am looking forward to the event, once again seeing the students lose their work clothes and school uniforms and get dressed up for the night.


Bee Bop to Hip-Hop

‘From Be-Bop to Hip-Hop featuring Zero Emcee & WA Youth Jazz Orchestra’ is a journey through how melody, improvisation and self-expression cross music genres. This show takes a look at the musical lineage from Jazz to Hip-Hop and features Noongar/Jingili rapper Zero Emcee as well as a full 18-piece brass band.


On Tuesday, the College was fortunate enough to have Zero Emcee and the WA Youth Jazz Orchestra (WAYJO) visit. The group are currently touring several country towns.


The students and staff were treated to a 30-minute experience of RAP and Jazz music. Zero Emcee and the members of WAYJO then joined the students for lunch and further conversations.

On Wednesday night a group of 24 students and staff then went to the Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre to experience the full show. 

It was a great experience for the staff and students with the feedback being very positive.