As a Residential College our staff take on extra responsibilities and care for students, especially our Residential supervisors and managers. We are not a senior high school that closes its doors at 3.00 pm on a Friday afternoon and reopens them again at 8.30am on a Monday morning. 


Looking after 124 teenagers in residence and assisting them to live, learn and laugh while at school and away from home is more than just a job – it is an emotional investment by our staff whom you have entrusted to look after your precious child. 


By necessity, we have some clearly defined rules and expectations for students to travel to and from the College as we recognise this as a unique risk area for our young people. Whether it is leaving on a Friday afternoon for the weekend, rushing to return to school before the 8.00pm cut-off time on a Sunday night or even the 7.45am cut-off on a Monday morning. We also restrict the number of students travelling together in vehicles because we are all too aware of the potential risks if too many students are in a car together.


On several occasions, I have become aware that these expectations of how we manage students' travel back to the College have not been followed, and potentially tragic incidents have occurred. These incidents have caused emotional concern to staff, students and parents as they endeavoured to track down and ascertain student whereabouts.


The REACH system is the mechanism that we use to ensure all parties are aware of who is where and when they are expected to be in a particular place. When we have students arriving at the College after 8.00 pm, this causes disruption to the processes and procedures we have in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all 124 students in our care. While I understand that circumstances can change unexpectedly, students hanging out at Harvey Dam, Logue Brook Dam or other similar places on a Sunday night is not a reason to be late back to the College. 


I ask that parents impress upon their children that Sunday night is effectively a “school” night, so they should be at the College on time and in the right state of mind to start the school week. We certainly do not want students coming into Residence on a Sunday night who have been indulging in any behaviour that may impair their judgment. If circumstances change, please contact the College directly and let us know whether your child is delayed because Aunty Jane visited unexpectedly or they have decided to return on a Sunday night instead of Monday morning. 


Maintaining open and honest communication is the best way to keep our young people as safe as possible. I thank you for your continued commitment to the Harvey Ag College through your child’s participation in the programs and pathways we provide.