Student of the Week

Week 7
Livinu Thilakarathne
Congratulations Livinu! Your enthusiasm was a joy to watch during Book Week. You embraced the week with your respectful listening towards your peers during Share and Learn. You showed passion for Wizz during your presentation and on Book Week dress-up day!
Cleo Bitzikopoulos
Congratulations Cleo! You are such a bright and caring star in our class, you're always ready to help and you bring smiles to everyone around you. You’re a writing whizz, you challenge yourself each day and you should be so proud of all your work. Foundation J are so lucky to have you in our class!
Easton Potter
Congratulations Easton! Your kindness, enthusiasm and positive energy light up our classroom. You have come so far with your learning because you always give your best effort in every task and you should be so proud. Well done, superstar!
Martin Monie
Congratulations Martin! You have made such an improvement with your reading. What a star! I love listening to you read aloud. Keep up the great work.
Maika Ilalio
Maika, you consistently show your very best effort in maths, looking at how addition and subtraction are related and solving problems thoughtfully. Well done!
Lila Creary
For demonstrating an outstanding growth mindset. Lila consistently approaches tasks with a positive attitude, even when she isn’t initially confident. Her respect towards her teachers and peers sets a wonderful example for everyone. Lila's determination and positivity make her a true role model in our classroom. Keep up the fantastic work, Lila!
Tillie Griffiths
For your growing determination and perseverance during Math sessions. It has been wonderful seeing your confidence grow and a smile on your face when you demonstrate your understanding. We are so proud of you, Tillie. Keep up the wonderful effort.
Maggie Bryar
Well done Maggie for always demonstrating your love for learning! You approach all lessons with enthusiasm and complete all tasks to a high standard. Keep up the amazing work Maggie!
Harry Egan
Harry, I love how you always put 100% effort into every class. You always take on feedback and keep working until you have created some quality work. Keep it up, superstar!
Tillie Plueckhahn
Tillie, you are a joy to have in our classroom. You not only approach tasks with determination and aim to get the best out of yourself, you also come in with a positive attitude and a big smile each and every day. Thank you for being a shining star in 3/4B. Keep it up!
Orlando Egodagamage
What a fantastic attitude toward learning you always have! Thank you for helping us to get excited about improper fractions and mixed numbers this week!
Marlon King Barradas
For showing kindness and being supportive of friends and classmates. You have a strong moral compass and you are an upstander when someone needs help.
Kitt Izard
Kitt, congratulations on an awesome District Athletics day, your powerful persuasive writing and your mastery of new maths concepts. Reap the reward of your amazing efforts - well done!
Michael Green
Michael, you're always up for a lovely and polite chat, brightening everyone's day with your friendly demeanor. During Science Week, you truly shone, working brilliantly with our presenters and sharing their stories with confidence at assembly. As our STEM captain, you've really planted the seeds of curiosity and growth in our class. Just like in the garden, where you nurture plants to thrive, you're helping our love for science and weird and wonderful facts blossom every day! Keep up the great work, Michael!
Darius Harrison
Wow! Darius, you have truly matured in so many ways this term and it is such a pleasure to see you shine like a star! Congratulations, champ.
Evie Bluck
Hard at work and you're stuck? In 5/6S you're in luck! Helpful, honest, heart as big as a truck. It is the truely wonderful, Evie Bluck!
Elliot Baggiere
Thank you for being your amazing self this year Elliot, keep up the awesome work!
Lexi Comesky
Congratulations on your consistent focus, diligence and effort in class every day. Your hard work is truly appreciated, and it’s clear that you are dedicated to your learning. When you participate in class, offer answers and take yourself out of your comfort zone, you offer such thoughtful contributions which always add significant value. You are always so thoughtful of and helpful with others Lexi, and this does not go unnoticed. So proud of you Lexi.