Senior School News

As many of you will know, we farewelled our Year 12 Student Manager Sefija Demirova, who started her maternity leave last Friday. We would like to extend our congratulations and best wishes to her during this exciting time. 


In her absence, Steve Williams is taking over as the Year 12 Student Manager. Steve has experience as a Student Manager and is looking forward to supporting our Year 12 students as they navigate this important year. 


Please feel free to reach out to Steve at for any questions or concerns moving forward.

The Year 12 Formal

On Friday 13 February the Year 12s had their Formal. Students arrived in stunning attire, excited to see their friends and enjoy their night. The night was filled with music, dancing, and celebration. A big thank you to the teachers who attended on the night and helped make this special event a success. There were professional photos taken on the night which for students who ordered them, arrived yesterday. 

Uniform reminder

As the weather turns cooler we ask that students please ensure they are wearing the correct Summer uniform inclusive of correct socks. Any additional items worn will be asked to be removed. The change over to winter uniform is not until April.


Punctuality to school and classes is important for all students and in particular VCE. Late arrival can be disruptive to the entire class. Teachers often need to pause their teaching to accommodate students entering, which can impact the flow of instruction and the learning experience for everyone. We kindly ask for your support in emphasising the importance of arriving on time to your child. Encourage them to develop a morning routine that allows for timely departure and arrival at school.


Emma Holman

Director of Senior School