College Matters

Assistant Principals' Update
As we move through the term, we are thrilled to share some exciting updates and reflections on the fantastic learning and engagement happening across our school.
A Deep Dive into Teaching and Learning
This past week, some of us had the privilege of attending a Principal Conference, where we explored the newly introduced Victorian Teaching and Learning Model 2.0 (VTLM 2.0). A key focus of the conference was unpacking The Science of Learning, Cognitive Load Theory, and the importance of developing a strong knowledge base for our students. These insights will be invaluable in refining our teaching strategies and ensuring our students receive the best possible learning experiences. We look forward to sharing this knowledge with our staff and embedding these principles into our classrooms.
Learning from Best Practice
Member of our leadership team also had the opportunity to visit MacRobertson Girls’ High School for a learning walk, where we observed best practices in action, and reconnect with some of our past students. It was an inspiring experience, and we are excited to welcome leaders from MacRobertson Girls’ to our school in early Term 2. This collaboration will further enrich our approaches to teaching and learning, reinforcing our commitment to continuous improvement and collaboration.
Year 7 Camps – Building Confidence and Friendships
One of the highlights was visiting both Year 7 camps, where our students fully engaged in a range of activities, smiling, and embracing every challenge with a "can do" attitude. It was heartwarming to witness the resilience, teamwork, and joy that camp provided. We are confident that many lasting friendships were formed during these experiences. A huge thank you to our Junior School team and all the staff who dedicated their time to making these camps a success
Semester 1 Parent-Teacher-Student-Interviews are scheduled for:
3:30 – 6:30pm on Tuesday 25 March (Students dismissed at 2:15pm)
1:30 – 8pm on Wednesday 2 April (Student-Free day)
All interviews are held online using the Webex platform.
Bookings for PTSIs are made via Compass. Bookings will open for students in VCE at 3.30pm on Friday 14 March.
Bookings open for Year 7 – 10 students at 3.30pm on Tuesday 18 March. We will notify families when the booking system is open.
The NAPLAN Assessments begin for students in Years 7 and 9 on Wednesday 12th March. NAPLAN is one of many tools we use to measure student learning growth at MGSC. NAPLAN tests assess student knowledge and skills in Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy. NAPLAN Online is a ‘tailored test’ design that adapts to correct and incorrect student responses providing a more precise understanding of student achievement. Students are encouraged to try their best on the NAPLAN tests but are reminded that they are competing only against themselves, and that NAPLAN is an opportunity to show us how much they have learned in the past two years.
Uniform reminder - jewellery expectations and student safety
The MGSC Student Dress Code is available for all community members to view on the College Website. At MGSC it is the expectation that students will adhere to this policy when an enrolment has been accepted. We are proud of our school, and for 70 years have been a uniforming-wearing community.
From time to time a reminder is needed in reinforcing one aspect of this policy. The focus for the next two weeks is: acceptable jewellery
Minimal items of jewellery prevent the risk of accidents and injury. Long nails, the wearing of necklaces and bracelets and in practical subjects, long hair that has not been tied back, all present a risk to student safety.
For OH&S reasons the following items are acceptable items:
- Small studs/sleepers in pierced ears.
- Wearing a watch.
- Small/clear nose studs are accepted. Any other piercing should not be visible - clear jewellery only.
Where unapproved items of jewellery are worn:
- Teachers will ask students to remove the item/s.
- Should this not occur, teachers are instructed to confiscate items and give them (labelled) to the relevant sub-school. Confiscated items can be held for up to two weeks.
- A uniform chronicle entry will be added to the student's Compass page.
We thank parents/guardians for their support of the MGSC Dress Code
Detta Gordon
Assistant Principal - Teaching and Learning
Hayley Dureau
Assistant Principal - Student Learning Growth
Carol Duggan
Assistant Principal - Inclusion & Wellbeing