Library News

Opening hours are 8am – 5pm, Monday through to Friday during regular school days.
New Books in the Library
Thank you to students who have requested books either in person or via our Google form on the Library website. Some of our new books include items in a series, graphic novels and new releases.
The Age Newspaper
Did you know that we subscribe to The Digital Age Newspaper? Students are able to read the current newspaper and archived newspapers at home OR try a brain teaser like the Super Quiz questions, for example: Which country’s flag has the most stars of any national flag? Super Quiz can be found around page 30, with answers appended.
Access this resource by clicking onto the image below or via The Age tile on Intranet.
Book Mark Competition
The Library Book Mark Competition is open to all students. Entries can be hand drawn (submit to the library desk on an A4 sheet of paper) or digitally created (emailed as an attachment PDF, JPG, Canva link to
As a guide/template, use size 5cm x 15cm. Entries close Monday 31 March. Ten winning book marks will be printed for students to use all year. Two prizes will be given to the creators of the top two bookmarks.
We have received many colourful and creative entries which are now on display in the library foyer. Thank you to all of those students who have entered – and good luck!
Book Club
Book Clubs are a great way to engage with students who share a love of literature as they will get the opportunity to read diverse books, share their ideas and gain new perspectives. The MGSC Book Club met on Wednesday to discuss holiday reading and choose three books to read this term.
The books chosen for Term 1 are: Ember in the Ashes, I am Sasha and Zenobia July.
The library provides these titles for students to read (read just one or all of them), meeting twice a term, generally on a Wednesday lunchtime. New members are welcome to drop by the library or email with details of their name and class if they would like to join.
VCE Student Collections
In addition to our VCE History Collection containing resources from the American Revolution, Empires and the Russian Revolution, the library now has a Theatre Studies Collection populated with Modern, Pre-modern, and Shakespeare plays. This collection has been curated with VCE Drama students in mind, who will choosing plays to perform during their final exams next year.
Lunchtime Clubs in the Library
There is something for everyone here. Clubs meet every week in the library Seminar Room at lunchtime to create, learn, relax, share ideas and play. All students are welcome.
- Monday - Maker Monday Club
- Tuesday - Mythology Club
- Wednesday - Games Club
- Thursday - Philosophy Club
The Library Team