Principal Report 

Here we are more than halfway through Term 1 already and it’s certainly been busy.


Our Grade 6 students just recently enjoyed some positive experiences while on camp at Wilsons’ Prom. They participated on several walks to some of the beautiful beaches the Prom has to offer. They also enjoyed a swim in Tidal River, played numerous games at the beach, participated in OPS Amazing Race, in team building activities, supported and encouraged each other and experienced first-hand an array of amazing wildlife in their natural habitat. The list of positives goes on. I was fortunate enough to go on camp with 6JS, 6JR & 6RF students and they were extremely well behaved, respectful and represented Oatlands superbly. There were many compliments from members of the public who were also staying down at The Prom at how respectful and well behaved our students were.


Our Prep students have had their first full week at school this week. They have settled well into the routines and structures of school and are enjoying the wonderful opportunities to learn and play. The Preps attended their first assembly Friday afternoon and began receiving awards like our Oatlands Oscar or Outstanding Effort Award.


Our Friendology program has been rolled out across the school, helping to create a community of belonging and kindness through the teaching of friendship skills. Be sure to ask your child/children what they learned in their weekly Friendology session. If you would like to know more take a look at the parents page using the following link. For Parents


Enjoy the long weekend and wonderful weather over the next few days.



Deanne Morgan

Assistant Principle