
English News
It has been an energetic start to the year, with students diving into their first units of study.
Our Junior English students have been learning about creating and crafting. To develop a deep understanding of using language for audience and purpose, students have been exposed to a variety of mentor texts related to their context of study to support their own creative writing.
They have thoroughly enjoyed participating in reading circles, where they unpack and discuss ideas in the texts.
Our senior students are deeply engaged in their reading and responding units, discussing the author’s purpose, political context, and how concerns and values are communicated through the text.
Students have started analytical writing workshops as they prepare for their first text responses. They are focusing on refining their skills in argument construction, using textual evidence, and explaining authorial intent. These workshops include weekly feedback sessions, where teachers conference with students to help them improve the language, structure, and depth of their responses.
Please read our Year 12 student reflections on their first few weeks.
"In English, we have been reading and analaysing the text ‘Born a Crime’. We have focused on how the author, Trevor Noah, uses humour to recount his challenging childhood. I’ve really enjoyed learning about how to interpret the memoir from many different perspectives." Alyssa Hodgson
To begin our unit 3 English, students have been reading comedian Trevor Noah’s memoir ‘Born a Crime.’ It details his childhood, adolescence, and adult life growing up during and post-apartheid South Africa. He reflects on the long-lasting effects of oppression on South African Society, even after its fall.
"We have been encouraged by our teachers to analyse and critique the memoir from multiple angles to broaden our understanding. We practice writing every Tuesday under timed conditions to start preparing for SACs and exams. Born a Crime has been a good text to further our writing and critical thinking skills and we look forward to our SAC at the end of the term" Brayden Corey
Ms Sarah Wilson
English Domain Leader