Art & Technology

 Art and Technology News

The Art and Technology domain hit the ground running, with students in Art, Food Technology, Product Design (Wood), Music, Drama, Media, Visual Communication and Digital Technology getting stuck straight into some interesting practical work. 


We will showcase work from every area over the coming months, starting with Art and Drama.  

Year 8 Art students have started with a sculptural unit, designing their own hybrid animal creatures that will be made from clay, fired and glazed over the coming weeks. 


The VCE Art Creative Practice Class have also been exploring sculpture, with Year 11 students experimenting with sculpting using  Play doh, Magiclay, earthenware and paper so far. 


Our VCE Art Creative Practice class are also looking forward to an excursion to the National Gallery of Victoria next week to see the Yayoi Kusama exhibition and are booked to see the 

Top Arts exhibition early next term. 


In Drama, the Year 8 students have been working on a Mime unit and will be participating this Friday in an incursion relating to Indigenous Contemporary Theatre from Bunjil Place. 


Year 9 students are stepping outside their comfort zones, enjoying an Improvisation unit, including exploring a range of TheatreSports games. They will also be participating in the Indigenous Theatre workshop with Bunjil Place this week. 


It has been an exciting term already and I look forward to sharing some photos of the excursions and finished artworks in future newsletters. 


Ms Suzanne Tate

Art and Technology Domain Leader