Student Services

Wellbeing Team
At Scoresby Secondary College it is our belief that students thrive and achieve their personal best in an environment where they feel safe, supported and understood.
The Wellbeing Team aim to provide a proactive and comprehensive wellbeing program that builds and promotes a sense of belonging and resilience for all students.
The Wellbeing Team comprises of:
- Assistant Principal – Michelle De Boer
- Social Worker / MHP – Tahlia Pastor
- Counsellor – Alicia Alpium
The Scoresby Secondary College Wellbeing team are experienced in a range of areas and are passionate about helping students navigate their way through various social and emotional challenges, including:
- providing early intervention, confidential support for students and families from Year 7-12
- assist students to develop problem-solving skills and build resilience
- identify areas of student need and collaborate with staff to support and address social, emotional, educational and psychological needs
- consult with, and be a resource for, families, caregivers, and staff
- referral to, and liaison with, external professionals
Scoresby Secondary College has links with key local services, such as Headspace, Orange Door, DISS (Doctors In School Service) Team as well as our Private Mental Health Practitioner.
For further information, please contact our Social Worker or School Counsellor Tahlia Pastor / Alicia Alpium (03) 9765 4100
State School Relief
- States Schools Relief can assist families with selected school uniform items.
- Families with a Health Care Card are eligible for assistance (will need to complete a CSEF form, available from the General Office).
- State Schools Relief assists with the costs of two/three pieces of the school uniform.
- State Schools Relief can assist eligible students once per year.
- Please See the Wellbeing Team or General Office to lodge your State School Relief voucher
- Wellbeing or General Office will provide you with your voucher / uniform items, you can then take this voucher to the uniform shop and pay the difference in cost
- Wellbeing or General Office will notify you when voucher has been received
- Go to uniform shop to collect your uniform
Private Practitioner Program:
Scoresby Secondary College continues to offer a Private Counselling service Program. This program is designed to address the psychological and emotional needs of young people through psychological support.
The program is accessed by a referral from a General Practitioner through a Mental Health Care Plan or by referral from a Paediatrician or Psychiatrist. Individuals may be eligible for up to ten individual sessions per calendar year (up to eighteen in exceptional circumstances). This service will be bulk billed by the counsellor so there will be no cost to young people, their families or the school. A young person may be eligible for support from the Counsellor if they have problems which significantly impact on their emotions, thoughts, social skills and decision making. This includes students who may be experiencing difficulties because:
• They have trouble making and keeping friends
• They are being bullied
• They are depressed or excessively anxious
• They have unresolved issues with grief or loss
• They have behaviour problems such as difficulty managing their anger
• They have been identified with Attention Deficit Disorder
Mental Health Concerns
If you are concerned about your child’s mental health: Tell them what you have noticed – share your concerns
- Ask them directly if they are thinking about suicide
- Listen to their pain – what’s on their mind and why it matters so much to them
- Provide personal support that helps keep them safe
- Seek further help – from family and friends, from people who care, from a local GP, a counsellor, psychologist, or the Emergency Department of your local hospital
- For anytime, twenty-four seven, during the school holiday break you are also able to contact the Kids Help Line on 1800 55 1800 for any issues or concerns.
- Kids Help Line 1800 51 1800 Beyond Blue –
- Crisis and Assessment Triage Service ph. 1300 558 862
Mrs Tahlia Pastor
Ms Alicia Alpuim
Wellbeing Team
Doctors in Secondary Schools (DISS)
The Doctors in Secondary Schools program is offered at our College for students to book appointments. if they would like. Appointments are free and confidential.
- Who? Dr Prashima and Nurse Jo
- What? Free and confidential health care
- When? Every Thursday
- Where? Next to the Sickbay
- Why? So students can access health care at school
Jo Morkham - Nurse
Prashima Ilango - Doctor