Health & Physical Education

Health & Physical Education 

Students have started the year fully engaged and enthusiastic about their involvement in Physical Education (PE) and Health classes.


We have been impressed to see that the absolute vast majority of students have had their PE uniform and have actively participated in all activities. 


Students in Year 7, 8 and 9 started the year in PE by completing a range of fitness tests and are now enthusiastically revisiting and developing a range of fundamental motor skills. 

The Year 10 PE class has started the year with a volleyball unit and their skill improvement will soon see them ready to take on the world.


In Health Education, students have been actively involved in all learning activities and I know that Miss Marsal was very impressed with the presentations made by Year 9 students about local health services.


Our VCE students are also working diligently with Mr Corrie and Miss Marsal.  In addition to this we are privileged to be hosting Vocational Education & Training (VET) Sport and Recreation at our College. 


This sees 60 students from the Knox Network attend our College each Wednesday afternoon to develop skills and prepare for a pathway in sport and recreation. Mr Smith and Miss Marsal are their expert facilitators.


We look forward to a healthy, active and happy year ahead.


Mr Peter Ridgway

Health and Physical Domain Leader.