Junior School

The Preps have had an exciting week! On Tuesday we had our first session of buddies where we got to meet our Year 6 buddy. We love our buddies already. On Thursday we had a great day at Athletics! We loved running, and getting ribbons.
Eden Romero
Prep Teacher
Year 1
As part of our study of Living Things in Science, we marvelled at the way God designed and equipped insects to work together and thrive in their own unique environment. As students followed instructions to draw amazing, life-like pictures of Bees, we learned that these little creatures have three body parts, six jointed legs, a furry thorax that gathers pollen, and two pairs of wings that flap so quickly they buzz. Students also selected a small plastic bug and collected resources from the playground to create a safe and comfortable home for it, with food, water and shelter.
Lyndell Tucker
Year 1 Teacher
Year 2
Last week we had our first Big Write for the year! Students were introduced to their topic on Monday and were encouraged to engage in Home Talk - whereby students brainstorm ideas and WOW words with a family member for a few minutes each day, to support them in their Big Write later in the week. After continuing our usual learning in Writing throughout the week, on Thursday we took part in our Big Write!
A Big Write is an opportunity for students to celebrate and 'show off' their work and all that they have been learning. To make our Big Write special and exciting, each student had a wobbly stool, a mechanical pencil to write with, and a soft toy buddy to keep them company while they were writing!
Our Big Write topic was on 'What makes Warrnambool special?'. The Year 2's shared some insightful ideas such as their favourite places and memories in Warrnambool, as well as expanding into how Warrnambool is unique through the connections of places and land to Indigenous culture and history.
The Year 2's have been working so hard and are doing an amazing job at trying new things and challenging themselves, I am very proud of them!
Alissa Griffin
Year 2 Teacher
Year 3
Year 3 has continued to learn about the brain and how we can make the connections in our brains stronger with practice, practice, practice - practice makes progress! We learnt about how we have billions of neurons in our brains and created a play dough model of these neurons to help us to understand what’s happening when we strengthen the connections. We have learnt how this is related to having a Growth Mindset and telling ourselves that we can’t do something… yet!
What better way to show a Growth Mindset than to have a try at doing the 1500m race for the first time? These superstars were amazing and are to be congratulated for trying something really challenging!
We have also been having a lot of fun practising our place value in numeracy, building towers and structures with MAB blocks!
What better way to learn spelling words than by shooting baskets! We have enjoyed some class games to consolidate our learning of our spelling words.
Ang Hales
Year 3 Teacher
Year 4
This term in Year 4 Humanities, students have been studying the First Fleet and the history of early European settlement in Australia. They have examined the many challenges that faced both the new settlers and the local Aboriginal people who were already inhabiting the land.
Students have been looking at why many prisoners were transported to Australian shores, and at the harsh conditions that they endured over the long eight month journey. They imagined they were a convict aboard one of the boats of the First Fleet and wrote letters home to their family describing the conditions. What was life like on the boats? What crime had they committed to get them transported in the first place? How were they feeling about a new life in a far off colony?
A special thanks to Mr Raven for getting his hands dirty (literally!) and coffee staining all the letters and burning the edges for us.
Emily Hunter
Year 4 Teacher
Year 6
One of the cutest and most awesome activities that Year 6 do started this week. We had our first official week with our allocated Prep buddies.
Over the last few weeks we have been having lunch with them once a week to get to know each other, but on Tuesday this week we found out our official buddies. Some groups have one Prep student with one Year 6 student. Others have one Prep and two Year 6's.
This week we did a get to know you interview and drawing. The photos below say it all about how happy everyone was with their Buddy.
Coral Robertson
Year 6 Teacher
Food Tech
This week, our Year 6 students put their baking skills to the test by making delicious scones. With a choice between sweet and savoury, some opted for choc chip, while others experimented with cheese, herbs, and even a hint of spice!
The students practiced key kitchen skills, including measuring, mixing, and kneading, while learning the secrets to light and fluffy scones. The results were fantastic—tasty treats that disappeared quickly!
Well done to all our young bakers. We can’t wait to see what’s next in the kitchen!
Ally Robinson