Primary Year 3-6

Year 3/4

Over the past two weeks Year 3 have completed NAPLAN. They are to be commended on achieving another ‘big first’ in their learning journey.


In Maths, Year 4 have been exploring units of measurement including, mm, cm, m and km. Through hands on activities, we have used rulers, tape measures and trundle wheels to reinforce their learning.


Seymour Scouts Visit

Last Week Stuart and Emily, Leaders from Seymour Scouts and Alex Morton (Year 9) visited F-4 students. Alex spoke to students about the wonderful opportunities and adventures he has experienced as a Scout. 


☘️St Patrick’s Day☘️

This week students were asked to wear green as part of the College’s support of Project Compassion during the Lenten Season. Thank you to our VM students for their organisation to sell the delicious ice-cream sweet treat.

Thank you to Mr Allan for once again harvesting the watermelons from the College Garden and sharing it with the students - YUM! 🍉


⭐️Congratulations to the following students who were recipients of our Student of the Week and PBL awards.

Student of the Week: Addie, Willow, Sean, Mary, Hollie, Hallie, Hudson, Ariana and Max.

PBL: Ella, Tyler, Nash, Naomi, Charlotte, Adele and Aubrey.

🔎I Spy… Xavier, Matilda, Tate, Saff, Tora and …. were spotted displaying the PBL focus  and were the winners of our fortnightly raffle draw. 



It is great to see students taking pride in our school values, Respect, Excellence and Integrity. Our PBL focus for the remainder of the Term is Speak Appropriately. Teachers will be looking out for students who consistently make good choices both in the classroom and out in the yard. 


Have a great week!



Amanda Stevens