Mr Wayne Smith
Mr Wayne Smith
Dear Parents and Carers,
Year 5 and 6 students, teachers and parents return today from their week in Canberra. The Canberra experience is an excellent camp. Hands on activities, so much to visit and see and the home of the nation’s government. I talked daily with Mrs Evans to check that all was well. The students were complemented everywhere they visited.
When any group of students are on excursion, they are reminded they represent us all at St Mary’s and we are a proud Catholic College in Seymour. Every time we go on excursion our students are shining examples of respect and appreciation. The owner of the Canberra Park where St Mary’s are staying asked Mrs Evans, “where are your students from because their behaviour is so good.” Such a comment I believe means a lot to staff, parents and it sends a message to all St Mary’s students. There is much said in society about the woes of respect and consideration for others. At St Mary’s we work hard every day to remind each other that those words are what our College is about.
Our College sporting achievements at representative level also mirror respect and appreciation. Students’ results are so often outstanding with many PB’s and reaching State level. Our students are humble, gracious and work hard to be the best. The leadership, guidance and passion from Sports Coordinator Courtney Aldous inspires our student
💫 Thankyou Parents and Friends
The P& F have donated $15,000 towards purchasing more Chromebooks for Year 3 and 4 students to enable one on one device use. This will support teaching the new MACS numeracy approach and governments continuing plan to move more NAPLAN tests to online testing. Our students and teachers are excited and appreciative of the support from the P&F.
The P&F donated $20,000 in 2024 toward senior primary Chromebooks. These donations not only provide wonderful resources for student learning and the cost of purchase is not passed on to parents.
P&F’s have been traditionally had an active contribution to of Catholic schools. Before Catholic schools received some government funding parents would clean the school, do all maintenance and donated fees that paid for the living expenses of Religious Orders - nuns or brothers. Times have changed and our worlds is vastly different today.
The St Mary’s P& F have their AGM Thursday 27th March 4.30pm in the F-2 Primary Learning Centre. Parents, carers, grandparents and friends are very welcome to come along and meet the P&F current Executive. The P&F is conscience of how busy family life is and therefore are strategic in the fundraisers they decide on. Over the years thousands of dollars’ worth of funds have been donated to the College for the benefit of students.
💫 Year 12 Graduation 2025
Flowerdale will be the venue for this historic celebration in Term 4. An important event in the lives of Year 12 students and the intention it is to develop a format for their last days that is special for them and for St Mary’s traditions. Thank you to our College VCE Coordinator Ms McLaughlin for recommending an excellent venue for the occasion.
💫 Stage 3 Funding Application
The application has been completed and uploaded onto the Australian Governments grants site. May the good Lord provide some heavenly intervention on the VCEA Committee that will decide on the successful applications for capital funding.
💫 Education Common Good – 2025 Federal Election
Catholic education has always said there must be fairness in funding for all education across Australia. It is important that parents are aware of each political party’s stance on funding for Catholic education so that fairness in funding is maintained. The rhetoric that all Catholic schools are for the rich is an ignorant and ridiculous notion, totally inaccurate to cause a divide. Please take notice of what is offered for Catholic education during the Federal election campaign. Parents of children in Catholic Schools also pay taxes.
Whilst our world is far removed from worldwide tragedies it does not stop us reflecting on how lucky we are. St Mary’s may not have the resources of other schools, yet we value what we have through a sense of belonging; faith; values; our students; learning growth and the importance we give to a holistic education in the Mercy tradition and our Positive Behaviour Values:
Sister of Mercy Madeline Duckett rsm believes that in a school with Mercy Values, we all live deeply into and out from the ‘Tao of Mercy.’ We live the eternal balance and spread it far, it is the way to heaven.”
💫The 2025 College theme ‘Guided by Faith, Driven by Purpose’ needs no explanation at St Mary’s as we keep the Tao of Mercy close to heart. The Sisters of Mercy’s were known as the ‘walking nuns’ in the towns where they established hospitals and schools. Those walking nuns were sisters of action and hospitality. They were exceptional in their support for mothers through home visitation and presence. Whilst our own lives may be far from the craziness that happens in other parts of the world, it does not stop moments of reflection. We value what we have through belonging; faith; values; our students; learning growth and the importance we give to a holistic education in the Mercy tradition. May we all walk together just like those sisters of Mercy did for so many decades ago.
Please keep in your prayers Mrs Brock’s daughter Milly. Milly has a serious infection that has caused her to be in hospital for weeks with round-the-clock medical support. Jennine and Darren would certainly be grateful for your prayers for Milly.
How good has the rain been!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Best wishes
Wayne Smith
DipEd (ACU) DipREd (ACU) Bed (ACU) GradCertEdAdmin (Edith Cowan)
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