Middle School

Speak Up Stay Chatty - Shorts Day
Friday 21 June
All Middle School students (and staff) are invited to wear shorts on Friday 21 June with their sports or formal uniform with a gold coin donation. Hot chocolates are for sale for $3.50 from our VET Cafe with some funds supporting the charity. The most fabulous shorts parade at lunch will be in the Mark Curtis Foyer with prizes.
A Celebration of Giving, Diversity and Inclusion
Students and staff will be celebrating a day of giving, diversity and inclusion on
Wednesday 26 June, during Pride Month. Students can bring a gold coin donation, dress in colourful clothing and support a student who might not otherwise be able to attend Friends’.
There will be a rainbow cupcake sale - $1 and Pride Pops - $1 available and coins and card are both welcomed.
Cupcake donations are very much appreciated on the day, with an ingredient list and no nuts please.
Students are also invited to participate in our first Pride House Art Exhibition. Pieces are due the morning of Wednesday 26 June and will be displayed in the Middle School Library.
Any questions? Contact Essie Hoggart, House and Student Leadership Coordinator.
Student Giving Day - plain clothes and gold coin donation
Wednesday 26 June
On Wednesday 26 June, all students from Kindergarten to Year 12 are invited to participate in a plain clothes day to support the School’s annual giving program, Friends Together. This year we are raising funds for our needsbased scholarship, The Friends’ Fellowship, which since 2018 has enabled six students, without means, to access a Friends’ education. Money raised this year will enable a new student to start in 2025. Please remember a gold coin donation. Together, we can all make a difference.
"As a recipient of support from the Friends’ community, I express my heartfelt gratitude to those who give to help students like me and I encourage everyone to give to Friends Together 2024." Sarah Chick (Jack), Class of 2020
Community donations are also now open. Visit www.giving.friends.tas.edu.au for more information and to donate.
Year 7 Connections - Recreation for Life Day
Year 7 Backhouse and Oats - Friday 21 June
Year 7 Mott and Walker - Friday 28 June
For our Recreation for Life Connections Day, students will be participating in some introductory sports sessions.
These include:
- Wheelchair Basketball - Clarence Sports Stadium / Swisherr
- Ninja Warrior Course - Eastside Activity Centre (Rokeby)
- Rock It Climbing (Bathurst Street)
Transport - bus from the Middle School Campus
Students will require:
- Sports uniform including appropriate sports shoes
- Packed recess and lunch and a large drink
- Medication, including asthma pumps and epipens
All students will be dismissed from the Middle School Campus at the end of the day unless arrangements have been made with the Middle School Office at least the day prior to the excursion.
Year 8 Student House Leadership Applications
Attention all Year 8 aspiring student leaders! Applications are due for Semester 2 Student House Leaders at 9am on Friday 21 June on the Student Leadership Submissions Google Classroom. All students have been emailed the details of how to join. Late submissions will not be considered. Interviews for the role will occur in Week 9 and 10, and speeches to the House will take place in Week 2 of Term 3.
Year 8 TMAG Excursion
Thursday 27 June
As part of Year 8 Connections, students in 8B and 8D will go on a half day excursion to the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery to view ningina tunapri, TMAG’s Tasmanian Aboriginal culture gallery. The exhibition explores the journey of Tasmanian Aboriginal people and is a celebration of all Tasmanian Aboriginal generations. In addition to our overarching theme in Year 8 for Term 2, People, this learning is connected to our ongoing studies into the histories, cultures and knowledge of Australia's First Peoples.
Students will walk from the Middle School to TMAG and will be transported by bus to return to school prior to the end of the school day. 8D will leave school at 9.30am, returning to school by 1.15pm. 8B will leave school at 12pm, returning to school by 3.15pm.
Students will have lunch at Parliament House Gardens in Salamanca Place.
All students will need to wear their Sports uniform and appropriate footwear for walking. Additionally, they will need a packed lunch, a large drink, a bucket hat and a warm top/ softshell jacket/ rain coat. Students who require medication for any medical condition, including asthma and allergies, are reminded to bring this with them.
Please contact your child’s Key Teacher if you have any questions.
Festival of Voices, Years 5/6 Choir - Concert & Tickets
Tuesday 2 July
All Year 5 and 6 Choir students and all Year 7 Choir students will be performing in the Young Tasmania Sings Concert during the Festival of Voices Festival. This is a ticketed event at The Federation Concert Hall. Don't put off purchasing your tickets as the concert has sold out in previous years.
Please note that The Friends' School Year 5, 6, and 7 Choirs are performing at the TUESDAY 2 July Concert at 7pm and NOT at the concert on Wednesday 3 July.
Purchase tickets here.
Road Safety and Parking on Boa Vista Rd
The School has received some unfortunate reports of people parking and/or leaving their cars fully or partially over driveways in Boa Vista Road. Please do not park or stop and leave your car unattended over driveways, partially or fully, as it is illegal to do so and very inconvenient to our neighbours.
A reminder that for safety reasons, Boa Vista Road is a 40 km/h speed zone between 8am-9:30am and 2:30pm-4pm on School days. Please ensure you drive slowly in and around our campuses and be mindful of students crossing the roads.
Middle School Office
Phone: 6210 2235
Email: middleschooloffice@friends.tas.edu.au
Important Dates
Term 2 - Monday 29 April to Friday 5 July
Term 3 - Tuesday 23 July to Friday 27 September
Monday 9 September – Wellbeing Day, as part of Wellbeing Weekend (no K-12 classes)
CLICK HERE to view the School calendar