Student Attendance

Students arriving late and leaving early

Students can ONLY be collected by their parent or by a person who has been authorised by the parents to pick up their child. Please note: Photo ID is required to collect a student from school. An email can be sent to the College in advanced or notified through Xuno that your child will be leaving early. Students will still need to be signed out and collected from the Front Office if this happens. 


Students who are arriving late to school must report to their Sub School office and be ‘signed’ in. 


If you have pre-arranged a time to meet your child at College Reception, please ensure that you have given them a note to show their class teacher so they can be released from class. An email can be sent to the College in advanced or notified through Xuno that your child will be leaving early. Students are not permitted to leave school during the day except in special circumstances such as an appointment. Students should provide their Year Level Leader / Classroom Teacher with a parental note to leave the classroom and must be signed out at Reception by a parent/carer. If your child is not signed out following this process, they will be marked on Xuno as an ‘unexplained absence’.  A student must ‘sign in’ if returning to school after an appointment.


Extended leave/holidays

If your child is going on leave for an extended period during the school term, for example a family holiday, an ‘Application for Extended Student Absence’ form must be completed prior to your child’s absence. This form includes a work programme section and needs to be returned to school and signed by the Year Level Leader for approval. You can obtain an application form from College Reception, and it must be returned prior to the extended leave start date.


If a student is on leave or on a family holiday for an extended time without notifying the school in advance with the extended student absence form, the student will be marked as a ‘Parent choice Unauthorized’ absence.


Reporting your child’s absence

If your child is absent from school, the Department of Education requires a parent / guardian to notify the school on the day with a reason as to why your child is absent. To notify us of an absence, you can either enter the absence on your parent Xuno App, send an email to or call the College on 5428 3691 and leave an absence message.



Students are required to attend all Mentor classes which run on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If a student is late to school and misses a Mentor session, they are not to go straight to their period 1 class. The late student will need to follow the process of signing in late to school at the Junior or Senior School office. 


Unexplained Absences – process followed by the Attendance Officer

If your child has been marked absent and no explanation has been provided by a parent/guardian, the following processes will apply:

  1. A text message will be sent to the parents/guardian if your child has been marked absent for periods 1 and 2 (usually sent out at 11am).
  2. A second text message will be sent to the parents/guardian if your child has been marked absent for any other period/s of the day (usually sent out at 3.30pm).
  3. If an absence reason has not been received from the parent/guardian, a general absence letter will be sent to the Parent/Guardian the week following the absence date requesting a reason for the absence.
  4. If your child has 3 days of unexplained absences, a 3-day attendance concern letter will be sent to the Parents/Guardians.
  5. If your child has 5 or more unexplained absences, a 5-day attendance concern letter will be sent to the Parents/Guardians.
  6. If the College does not receive any response from the parents/guardians regarding any ‘unexplained absences’, the matter will be forwarded to the Year Level Leader or Assistant Principal to follow up further with the family. 

Please note: All text messages and emails from Xuno will only be sent to parents/guardians who have selected to receive correspondence from the school on their child’s enrolment form. This is for both Adult A and Adult B. Please speak with College Reception if you are not receiving any correspondence or are receiving correspondence incorrectly. 


If you have any questions about any aspect of the attendance process, please don’t hesitate to email me at or you may call me on the College phone number 5428 3691 ext. 115.


Stacey Holmes

Attendance Officer