Principals Update

- Sarah Rose, Principal

Welcome back for Term 3, I hope you’re all settled back into the rhythm and routines that the school term brings.  Last week we celebrated NAIDOC Week, which fell during the term break. Our NAIDOC Assembly has become an important fixture on our school calendar, and the whole school assembly last week was a wonderful celebration of our school culture, and broader recognition of first nation culture throughout the school and beyond. We were very lucky to have our special guests from the Long Walk Foundation and Indigenous Outreach Program Hip Hop group at the assembly, as well as Aunty Joy Murphy and Uncle Craig Murphy conducting a smoking ceremony and welcome to country for the school. Having the Gisborne Primary School leadership team with us for the morning, and then conducting the 'little' long walk to GPS for their event was another highlight. I'd like to thank Kate Austin for her absolute commitment to our First Nations program and students, and the work in bringing this day together. I would also like to thank our Indigenous School Captains, Chelsea and Bailey, for their incredible leadership and contribution at both the assembly and Smoking Ceremony. Thank you also to our Languages captain, Patrick, who provided a report back to all students about the Japanese Study tour.

We also welcomed back those Japanese Languages students and staff who went on a study tour towards the end of term 2 and into the term break.  By all accounts it was a deeply rewarding and amazing experience which you can read about in more detail later in this edition. I am so appreciative of the staff leading the trip, Kristeen Quarrier, Greg Neale, and Caitlyn Bourke for their significant time and effort in making this trip a reality for our students. 


Last term we initiated our parent volunteers process and I'm so pleased with the response to date from our parent community that have expressed interest in volunteering for camps, excursions and sports excursions.  This process not only supports the school in running such activities but is a great way to see students participating in various events and activities and support them in their endeavours.  I'd like to thank Emma Peel and Cathy Daniel who supported Badminton and Football excursions respectively and Katie Duoba who is due to support Netball next week.  If you would like to express interest in formally volunteering with the school, please complete this form and our Community Liaison Officer will be in touch with you.


We recently received our NAPLAN results and I'm pleased to advise that the following Year 9 students were acknowledged at the year level assembly earlier this week for high achievement in NAPLAN with certificates having been sent home to their parents/carers:

Jacob CQuinn M
James DOliver P
Taylor DNoah R
Levi EJack S
Lucas EFinlae S
Thomas FLawson S
Abigail FJasmine S
Bryce GRobert VE
George HOlivia W
Ellie HSarah W
Liam H 

Throughout Term 3, we have a focus on planning for 2025 and a number of events and activities occur that directly influence our timetable development for the following year.  Specifically, for students and families, the course advising and subject selection process is a critical piece of the puzzle in determining the subjects we will run next year, but it’s also a time when students need to focus their thinking on the future with regard to the pathway they want to pursue and the subjects they want to undertake.  Whilst I appreciate not all students will know at this point what they want to do in the future, the course advising and subject selection process is there to assist students in making the best decisions to support their interests and abilities.  This process doesn’t affect all year levels, but those involved will have last week received direct communication from Assistant Principal, Lauren Anglin.  A copy of this communication is available in this edition as an overview of the process over the next month, and I encourage all impacted students and families to attend the Course Information and Subject Expo on the evening of Tuesday 30th July.


We’re on the countdown now to opening night of the performing arts production which is this year a collaborative effort between Gisborne Secondary College and Kyneton High School.  I know both students and staff have poured their hearts and souls into this production and I’m sure it’s been a big commitment for families to support their child’s participation also, and for this I thank you.  I can’t wait to see the show myself!  Tickets are still available, the link to which is available later in this edition.  We've also recently featured in the local Star Weekly, A spooky production | Sunbury & Macedon Ranges (


Finally, please note the pupil free days this term, listed in the College Calendar section of this and each edition.


Kind Regards,


Sarah Rose

College Principal