Learning & Teaching

Teaching for Impact in Mathematics (TIM) Series
As part of the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) Get in2 Maths strategy and Vision for Instruction 2030 strategic plan, a focus has been on the development of professional learning for teachers, including strong content knowledge and sophisticated pedagogical practices and assessment strategies.
MACS has partnered with Ochre Education to develop Mathematics curriculum resources, which have been designed to provide valuable support to our dedicated teachers in the classroom. Over the past few months, our classroom teachers have been engaging in a number of webinars and off site professional development full day workshops related to the TIM Series. The TIM Series provides professional learning support and resources to teachers and leaders to get the most from the new Ochre Education materials. Working from a robust research and evidence base, the TIM Series supports teachers and leaders to build more high-impact instruction into the classrooms, to accelerate learning for all students.
Our dedicated Mathematics Leader, Gab Richardson, has been working closely with MACS Learning Consultant (Mathematics) Ross Kirwan and all classroom teachers to:
- drive the learning and teaching of Mathematics through collaborative planning and discussions
- analyse student data effectively to differentiate learning experiences
- use data to guide planning and teaching that meet the needs of all students
- use a range of appropriate teaching strategies relevant to the focus of the lesson, to ensure that all students experience success
A huge thank you to Gab Richardson for all the work she is doing, leading the Mathematics curriculum at Sacred Heart.
More Mathematics News
Sacred Heart have been lucky recipients, receiving some wonderful fraction resources made by Year 7 students from Siena College. This exciting partnership has allowed our students in Year 3 to enjoy these resources during Mathematics lessons. We thank the Siena students for the time taken to create fun, learning for us to enjoy. We look forward to sharing these games with other year levels next semester!
Mandarin News
This term in Mandarin, the Prep students have been learning about numbers. They have used songs, rhythms, games and other simple routines to familiarise themselves with the sounds and patterns of the language. In this session, they participated in a variety of activities to help them count from 1 to 10 and recognise the Chinese characters relating to numbers.
Students used the counters to practise counting from 1 to 10 in Mandarin
Students practised writing Chinese characters that relate to numbers
Students played memory games to practise recognising Chinese characters
Students used coloured paper to construct Chinese characters that relate to numbers
The Year 3/4 students have been learning to say different words and phrases from the story, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.” They have practised constructing sentences from the story such as, “On Monday the caterpillar ate through one apple.” They have been singing songs and using gestures to support their learning. In this session, the students created their own sentences using the words they learnt from the story. They then presented their work to the class.
Students created their own sentences using the words they learnt
Students presented their sentences with their group members to the class
As part of our cultural study, the Year 5/6 students conducted research on their chosen topic that relates to China. They then created an Information Report and presented it to the class. Some of the popular topics were the Great Wall of China and the animals that live in China, such as the Giant Panda and the Red Panda.
Chinese animals and the Great Wall of China were popular topics
Some of the other interesting topics included Chinese New Year, Chinese Money, Chinese temples, Chinese food, Chinese dragons, the invention of ice cream and Mount Everest
Year 2 Zoo Expo
The Year 2 students have been writing Information Reports this term. They have been using the features of nonfiction texts to organise and present their information for a chosen animal. On Monday afternoon, they presented their Information Report to different year levels using Google Slides and Canva.