Weekes' Weekly News

Learning, growing and celebrating together...

Dear Sacred Heart Kew Families,


It is with pleasure, but also sadness for my fellow colleague, that I write this week's edition of Weekes’ Weekly News, whilst Ed is recovering from a cycling accident and surgery this week.


As Term 2 comes to a close, we gather our thoughts and reflect on the journey we’ve undertaken as a school community over the past 11 weeks. Some of these include: ANZAC Day, Interschool Sports, Walkathon, Mothers’ Day events, Ladies’ Lunch, Paraliturgies and Masses, Incursions and Excursions, Year 4 Camp, Senior Camp Week, District Cross Country, Sacrament of Reconciliation, Prep-4 Healthy Harold, and Prep 2025 Interviews and School Tours.


Throughout the term,  I have witnessed our students’ remarkable growth and determination. They have embraced new learning opportunities, navigated challenges with grace, and consistently demonstrated a willingness to learn, grow and support one another.


It has been a pleasure reading through the Semester One Reports over the past week. Whether in the classroom, on the playground or participating in extracurricular activities, our students have exemplified the values of curiosity, perseverance and compassion. I am extremely proud of their efforts and triumphs this semester. Please take the time to read through the Semester One Report with your child/ren and celebrate their many and varied achievements so far this year.


Our dedicated staff have been instrumental in guiding and supporting our students’ academic and personal development. I am very grateful for their enthusiasm and time spent in preparing and providing the learning opportunities for all our children.


Thank you to all our school community members, especially our dynamic Parents' Association, for your valuable contributions and continued support this semester. Our collective efforts have made a positive impact on the lives of our students.


As we pause to celebrate our achievements and recharge during the break, let us look forward to the opportunities and challenges that await us next term.


Some Important Dates for Term 3



15th - Term 3 commences

15th - Registration for First Eucharist opens

18th - Parent/Teacher Chats (12:45pm finish)

19th - Semester 2 Leaders badge presentation 2:30pm in MPR

26th - Grandparents and Special Persons’ Day



2nd - Olympics Day

2nd - Prep 100 Days of School

9th - Registration for First Eucharist closes

9th - Year 3/4 Soccer Day

10th-18th  - Science Week 

16th - First Eucharist Reflection Day

19th-23rd - Book Week

19th - Character Dress Up Day

21st-28th - Book Fair

23rd - Author visit (Sue De Gennaro)

26th - Registration for Confirmation opens

28th - Father’s Day Stall

29th - Father’s Day Morning Tea

30th - Year 2 Experience



6th - Men’s Lunch Day

13th - Year 3 Excursion

17th - Confirmation Reflection Day TBC

18th - Prep Fire Education Visit

20th - Registration for Confirmation closes

20th - End of Term 3 Footy Colours Day (12:45pm finish)


On behalf of all the Sacred Heart Staff, we wish you and your family every blessing over the holiday period and we look forward to seeing you all back on Monday 15th July for the start of Term 3.


Wishing Ed a speedy recovery and we hope to see him back next term.


 Kind Regards,

 Danielle Gerecke

 Deputy Principal